Missouri Slaughterhouses
Putting Glass Walls on Missouri Slaughterhouses So We Can See Behind Closed Doors from FAUN Friends Of Animals
ConAgra Foods 200 Banquet Drive. Marshall, MO 65340
Address: 200 Banquet Drive. Marshall, MO 65340
Establishment No.:
USDA Inspection Reports:
USDA Inspection Report: 26 Jul 2011
Code: 01802
Violation: 416.1, 416.4(d), 416.3(c)
Citation: After the establishment ‘s pre-operative sanitation inspection and prior to the start of operations, residues from the previous day’soperations at approximately 0515 on July 26, 2011, were observed by l, [redacted] on product contact and/or non-contact surfaces on the dinner line production department.
Empty vegetable totes from previous days production are being left out overnight during the nightly clean-u p period.These totes are then put in place the next day to be used as trash containers. These totes also contain left over vegetable pieces thus causing an insanitary condition.
The Meat and Poultry Inspection Regulat ions cited in block 6 states:”Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated .” “Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, hand ling,storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportat ion from official establishments .” “The Sanitation SOP’s shall describe all procedures an official establishment will conduct daily, before and during operations, sufficient to prevent d irect contamination or adu lteration of product(s).” “Receptacles uses for storing ined ible material must be of such material construct ion that their use will not result in the adulteration of any edible product or in the creation of insanitary conditions. Such receptacles must not be used for storing any edible product and must bear conspicuous and distinctive marking to identify permitted use.”
The requirements of the Meat and Pou ltry Inspection Regulations cited in block 6 were not met. In addition, the establishment ‘s SSOP cited in block 7 states in part: ‘[redacted].”
The establishment’s SSOP was ineffective in detecting and correcting these noncompliances.
Plant management is notified as of this writing.
This document serves as written notification of SSOP/Monitoring noncompliance.
416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
416.3(c) Receptacles used for storing inedible material must be of such material and construction that their use will not result in the adulteration of any edible product or in the creation of insanitary conditions. Such receptacles must not be used for storing any edible product and must bear conspicuous and distinctive marking to identify permitted uses.
S & S Meat Co. 637 Prospect Avenue Kansas City, MO 64124
Address: 637 Prospect Avenue Kansas City, MO 64124
Establishment No.: m1046
USDA Inspection Reports:
USDA Inspection Report: 19 Dec 2011
Code: 01801
Violation: 416.16(a)
Citation: On December 19, 2011 at approximately 0955 hours at S & S Meat Company, I nc., Establishment# M1046, I performed a records review of the establishment’s SSOP records for 12/16/11 and observed that there was no pre-operational SSOP record documented by the establishment. I discussed my observations with [redacted] who confirmed that the check was [redacted] performed with no deficiencies observed but the establishment did not document the record. I informed [redacted] that I would be documenting a NR for the recordkeeping non-compliance; [redacted] was also later notified of the non-compliance. This is a non-compliance with the regulatory requirements of 9 CFR 416.16(a) for recordkeeping requirements sufficient to document the implementation and monitoring of the Sanitation SOPs and any corrective actions taken.
416.16(a) Each official establishment shall maintain daily records sufficient to document the implementation and monitoring of the Sanitation SOP’s and any corrective actions taken. The establishment employee(s) specified in the Sanitation SOP’s as being responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the procedure(s) specified in the Sanitation SOP’s shall authenticate these records with his or her initials and the date.
USDA Inspection Report: 19 Sep 2011
Code: 03C02
Violation: 417.2(c)(7), 417.5(a)(l)
Citation: On September 19, 2011 at approximately 1555 hours at S & S Meat Company, Inc., Establishment# 01046 M, while performing a records review of the establishment’s lab sampling results and 03C HACCP plan, I observed that the establishment had no documented lab sample results on file for the April-June 2011 quarterly tenderized beef prod uct verification sampling; the esta blishment’s HACCP plan states under Attachment #3,that [redacted].” I discussed this observation and missing lab sample results with who later confirmed that the tenderized beef sampling was not performed during the April-June 2011 quarter. I informed of the non-compliance and that an NR would be issued. This verification sampling is used as support for the Receiving Meat & Poultry step in the haza rd analysis for why E.coli 0157:H7 is not l ikely to occur. This is a non-compliance with the regulatory requirementsof 9 CFR 417.S(a)(l) for supporting documentation for the hazard analysis and with 9 CFR 417.2(c)(7) for performance of verification activities as stated in the HACCP plan.
417.2(c)(7) List the verification procedures, and the frequency with which those procedures will be performed, that the establishment will use in accordance with § 417.4 of this part.
417.5(a)(l) The written hazard analysis prescribed in § 417.2(a) of this part, including all supporting documentation
USDA Inspection Report: 13 Sep 2011
Code: 01802
Violation: 416.1, 416.13(c), 416.4(a), 416.4(b)
Citation: On September 13,2011 at approximately 0725 hours at S & S Meat Company, Inc., Establishment# 01046M, after the establishment management had performed their pre-operational sanitation inspection and prior to the start of operations, I performed a pre-operational sanitation inspection and observed there to be fat residue and meat pieces, varying from specks to approximately 5 mm x 12 mm in size,from the previous day’s production on the d icing machine located on 3 of the 4 sizing blades, on the inside chamber to the plunger, on the inside framing to the blue belt, on the spinning blade and housing and inside the storage door which holds the parts;these are both food-contact-surfaces as well as non-food-contact-surfaces. I took regulatory control action and rejected the dicing machine/parts with U .S.Rejected Tag# A 6182145 at approximately 0730 hours. This contamination was demonstrated to [redacted] who was notified of the non-compliance and that an NR would be issued; [redacted] was also later notified of the non-compliance. Food-contact-surfaces must be clean prior to operations to ensure the food that is produced is safe, wholesome, and unadulterated. Upon confirmation by the esta blishment that the dicing machine and parts had been re-cleaned and re-inspected, I re-inspected and released the machine to production, removing the U .S.Rejected Tag# A 6182145 at approximately 0746 hours. This is a non-compliance with the regulatory requirements of 9 CFR 416.13(c) for failure to effectively monitor their SSOPs, 9 CFR 416.4(a) for not adequately cleaning food-contact-surfaces, 9 CFR 416.4(b) for not adequately cleaning non-food-contact-surfaces and 9 CFR 416.1 for the requirement to operate in a manner that will not create insanitary conditions.
416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.
416.13(c) Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 12 Aug 2011
Code: 03C02
Violation: 417.5(b)
Citation: On August 12, 2011 at approximately 0805 hours at S & S Meat Company, Inc., Establishment# 01046 M, while performing a records review of the establishment’s 03C HACCP records for the week of 08/08/11 th rough 08/12/11, I observed that the establishment had documented the direct observation verification activity as being performed on 08/11/11at 8:45 am by [redacted] with acceptable results noted. From reviewing the CCP monitoring check record for 08/11/11, [redacted] performed the CCP internal product temperature check at 8:48 am; the room temperature checks were documented as be ing performed at 8: .
I demonstrated my observation to [redacted] and asked him if [redacted](hly observed him taking the CCP internal product temperature check orjust the room temperature checks at 8:45 am. [redacted] confirmed that [redacted] directly observed both checks. I informed [redacted] that this was a recordkeeping non-compliance and that an NR would be issued; [redacted] were also later notified of the non-compliance. No deviations were observed from the CCP’s critical limits; therefore no product was involved and no regulatory control action taken.
This is a non-compliance with the regulatory requirements of 9 CFR 417.5(b) for the recordkeeping requirement that each entry on a record maintained under the HACCP plan shall be made at the time the specific event occurs.
417.5(b) Each entry on a record maintained under the HACCP plan shall be made at the time the specific event occurs and include the date and time recorded, and shall be signed or initialed by the establishment employee making the entry.
USDA Inspection Report: 21 Jun 2011
Code: 03802
Violation: 417.2(c)(6), 417.5(b), 417.5(a)(3), 417.5(a)(l), 417.5(c)
Citation: A comprehensive FSA was conducted at Est. 1046from 5/17/11 th ru 6/21/11.The FSA examined the Food Safety System and associated records to determine compliance of the plan for design, recordkeeping, and ensuring that only safe products leave the Establishment. The result of the FSA was that some non compliance with 9CFR417 regu lations, have been found to exist in the Establishment HACCP plans. Similar non compliances were found in both the 038 Raw Ground and 03C Raw Not Ground HACCP plans and have been consolidated into this one NR. Specifically, these non-compliances were:9 CFR 417.2(c)(6) – (038-03() The establishment failed to identify a recordkeeping system in their HACCP plans.9 CFR 417.5(a)(l) -(038-03() The establishment d id not have adequate records to verify that each receiving establishment is executing their programs to ensure that the product(s) received at this facility does not have detectable levels of E.coli 0157:H7. Therefore, the establishment is lacking supporting documentation for the decision in their hazard analysis that E.coli 0157:H7 is not reasonably likely to occur due to Attachment #3.9 CFR 417.5(a)(2) – (038-03() No documentation was maintained on file supporting the verification procedure and frequency for a review of generated records. 9 CFR 417.5(a)(3) – (038-03() The verifier failed to conduct the additional verification activity that described taking a temperature once on production days. 9 CFR 417.5(b) – (038-03() The verifier is not documenting a time when the actual verification activity occur or is being performed (i.e. when a d irect observation of the monitoring tasks were performed, the time annotated by the verifier was not always the same time documented by the monitor) . 9 CFR 417.5(c) – (038) The establishment’s failure to review all corrective actions associated with unforeseen hazards for presumptive positive and positive test results for raw ground beef products prior to signing the pre-shipment reviews. These non compliances were discussed with [redacted]) throughout the course of the FSA and this NR gives a written record of the non compliances associated with the HACCP systems in this Establishment. The Establishment has already begun to make improvements to their various programs to ensure compliance with all regulations cited.
417.2(c)(6) Provide for a recordkeeping system that documents the monitoring of the critical control points. The records shall contain the actual values and observations obtained during monitoring.
417.5(b) Each entry on a record maintained under the HACCP plan shall be made at the time the specific event occurs and include the date and time recorded, and shall be signed or initialed by the establishment employee making the entry.
417.5(a)(3) Records documenting the monitoring of CCP’s and their critical limits, including the recording of actual times, temperatures, or other quantifiable values, as prescribed in the establishment’s HACCP plan; the calibration of process-monitoring instruments; corrective actions, including all actions taken in response to a deviation; verification procedures and results; product code(s), product name or identity, or slaughter production lot. Each of these records shall include the date the record was made.
417.5(a)(l) The written hazard analysis prescribed in § 417.2(a) of this part, including all supporting documentation
417.5(c) Prior to shipping product, the establishment shall review the records associated with the production of that product, documented in accordance with this section, to ensure completeness, including the determination that all critical limits were met and, if appropriate, corrective actions were taken, including the proper disposition of product. Where practicable, this review shall be conducted, dated, and signed by an individual who did not produce the record(s), preferably by someone trained in accordance with § 417.7 of this part, or the responsible establishment official.
USDA Inspection Report: 8 Jun 2011
Code: 01001
Violation: 416.1, 416.2(d)
Citation: While performing inspection activities, the following condition was observed at approx. 1300hrs, in cooler #C-2, just inside the green doors entering th is cooler. A small pool of moisture was observed on the floor near a pallet of product. Upon further investigation the moisture was coming from the ceiling, where the beads of condensation were forming. I notifiecmllli, of my findings and the pallet was removed from this area and regulatory control was initiated with US Reject Tag# 829645600, some twine and a bucket. The product was not affected by the drip, but it was very close, so it was moved.I notified .of my findings and the area under regulatory control. This is a non compliance with 9CFR416.1and 416.4 regulations in regards to maintaining sanitary conditions in official establishments, and proper ventilation to prevent condensation from forming.
416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.
416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
USDA Inspection Report: 1 Jun 2011
Code: 01001
Violation: 416.4(b), 416.1
Citation: At approx. 0715hrs while performing pre-op verification activites, the following conditions were observed after Est. pre-op activities, but prior to the start of operations. In the cutting room, an accumulation of diced beef chunks was observed behind the dicing machine on the floor. The approx.size of the accumulation was 6″ x 12″ and too many pieces to count. Also product residue was observedon the wall behind the dicer as well, with approx. 10 pieces of product on the wall approx. 1/2″ x 1″ in size. [redacted] was shown the items that were observed and area was placed under regulatory control with US Tag#B29645599. [redacted] was notified of my findings and that an NR would document these conditions. This is non compliance with 9CFR416.1 and 416.4 regulations in regards to maintaining sanitary conditions in an official Establishment and the cleaning and sanitizing of non food contact surfaces. Items were restored to sanitary condition and released from regulatory control.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.
Swiss Processing Plant, Inc. 2056 Hwy 19 South, Hermann, MO 65041
Address: 2056 Hwy 19 South, Hermann, MS 65041
Establishment No.: m2969
Enforcement Action Reports:
Enforcement Report: July 31, 2013
Enforcement Action Letter:
On July 29, 2013, the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) notified you of the suspension of the assignment of inspection personnel at your facility. This Notice of Suspension was issued in accordance with the Rules of Practice set forth in 9 CFR 500.3(b). This action was based on your establishment’s failure to prevent inhumane handling and slaughter of livestock at your facility 313.16(a)(1).
See More Here: PDF
Enforcement Report: July 29, 2013
Enforcement Action Letter:
This serves as official notification by the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the Suspension of the Assignment of Inspection personnel at Establishment M2969, Swiss Processing Plants, Inc., located at 2056 Hwy 19 South, Hermann, Missouri 65041, as per the Rules of Pracctice, 9 CFR 500.3(b). The Notice of Suspension is based on your failure to prevent inhumane handling and slaughter of livestock at your facility.
See More Here: PDF