Michigan Slaughterhouses

Putting Glass Walls on Michigan Slaughterhouses So We Can See Behind Closed Doors from FAUN Friends Of Animals United

Balkan Meat Market Inc., 19625 Van Dyke, Detroit, MI 48234

Address: 19625 Van Dyke, Detroit, MI 48234
Establishment No.: m10312

USDA Inspection Reports:

USDA Inspection Report: 5 Jan 2012

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.1, 416.2(b)(2), 416.4(d)

Citation: At approximately 0830 hours while performing a scheduled SPS Verification  (06001 Product base), in the establishment fully cooked section of the cooler. I observed six racks of fully cooked prod uct in the fully cooked cooler in the cooler the ceiling above had unidentified foreign material above the racks of fully cooked meat. The racks were not cover and the above ceiling had black, white, red and meat particles throughout the ceiling. Approximately Yz to % inch in size I immediately applied U.S. Retain Tag # 827 606953 on cooler door and then informed [redacted] of the noncompliance, the establishment took immediate corrective action by removing the racks of fully cooked meat and placing plastic wrapping to cover the top of the racks: the establishment  preventive measure is to clean the fully cooked cooler on this weekend  and have it ready for 1/09/ 12. In checking the checking the establishment  record they have a SPS Verification NR, but not for the same cause. The prod uct was re-inspected and found that the covering was satisfactory.The U.S. Retain was removed  at 0915 hou rs sanitary conditions were restored.


416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

416.2(b)(2) Walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.

USDA Inspection Report: 3 Jan 2012

Code: 04804
Violation: 319.106, 319.107, 424.22(c)(4), 317.2(j), 317.2(e)

Citation: At approximately 0815 hours while performing a scheduled task General Labeling (04804) in the fresh meat cooler side of the establishment, I observed two gray edible containers with pork sides in them with no label on them. I then placed U.S. Retain tag # 842 273589 on containers and notified plant management- about the noncompliance.The establishment takes immediate corrective action by putting labels on product: the establishment preventive measure is to check behind the employees his self for a week. The U.S. Retain tag was removed at 0820 hours. At approximately 0820 while performing a scheduled task General Labeling (04804) in the fully cooked cooler, side of the establishment. I observed a rack of fully cooked meat name Suva Slanria without any labels on the rack. I then applied U.S. Retain Tag # B 8057718 and then I notified [redacted] of the noncompliance. The establishment took immediate corrective action by placing labels on the rack: the establishment preventive measure is to re-check behind the employees. The U.S. Retain tag was removed at 0830 hours. While reviewing the establishment records the establishment has a NR for the same root cause on 10/26/2011 NR # RBJ3014102126N. This document serves as written notification that your failure to comply with regulatory requirement(s) could result in additional regulatory or administrative action.


319.106(a) ‘‘Country Ham,’’ ‘‘Country Style Ham,’’ or ‘‘Dry Cured Ham,’’ and ‘‘Country Pork Shoulder,’’ ‘‘Country Style Pork Shoulder,’’ or ‘‘Dry Cured Pork Shoulder.’’ are the uncooked, cured, dried, smoked or unsmoked meat food products made respectively from a single piece of meat conforming to the definition of ‘‘ham,’’ as specified in § 317.8(b)(13) of this subchapter, or from a single piece of meat from a pork shoulder. They are prepared in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section by the dry application of salt (NaCl), or by the dry application of salt (NaCl) and one or more of the optional ingredients as specified in paragraph (d) of this section. They may not be injected with curing solutions nor placed in curing solutions.

319.107 The weight of cured pork bellies ready for slicing and labeling as ‘‘Bacon’’ shall not exceed the weight of the fresh uncured pork bellies.

424.22(c)(4) Labeling. (i) The labels on packages of meat food and poultry products irradiated in their entirety, in conformance with this section and with 21 CFR 179.26(a) and (b), must bear the logo shown at the end of this paragraph (c)(4)(i). Unless the word ‘‘Irradiated’’ is part of the product name, labels also must bear a statement such as ‘‘Treated with radiation’’ or ‘‘Treated by irradiation.’’ The logo must be placed in conjunction with the required statement, if the statement is used. The statement is not required to be more prominent than the declaration of ingredients required under § 317.2(c)(2). Any label bearing the logo or any wording of explanation with respect to this logo must be approved as required by Section 317.4. of this chapter or subparts M and N of part 381.

317.2(j) Labels of any product within any of the following paragraphs shall show the information required by such paragraph for such product

317.2(e) Any descriptive designation used as a product name for a product which has no common or usual name shall clearly and completely identify the product. Product which has been prepared by salting, smoking, drying, cooking, chopping, or otherwise shall be so described on the label unless the name of the product implies, or the manner of packaging shows that the product was subjected to such preparation. The unqualified terms ‘‘meat,’’ ‘‘meat byproduct,’’ ‘‘meat food product,’’ and terms common to the meat industry but not common to consumers such as ‘‘picnic,’’ ‘‘butt,’’ ‘‘cala,’’ ‘‘square,’’ ‘‘loaf,’’ ‘‘spread,’’ ‘‘delight,’’ ‘‘roll,’’ ‘‘plate,’’ ‘‘luncheon,’’ and ‘‘daisy’’ shall not be used as names of a product unless accompanied with terms descriptive of the product or with a list of ingredients, as deemed necessary in any specific case by the Administrator in order to assure that the label will not be false or misleading.

USDA Inspection Report: 3 Jan 2012

Code: 01802
Violation: 416.4(b), 416.13(a), 416.13(c), 416.4(a)

Citation: At approximately 0830 hours while performing a scheduled task Pre-Operational Review and Observation (01802), after asking management had they performed their pre-operational and have they found everything acceptable. The establishment informed me that they have found everything acceptable. In the three units selected for inspectionon the fully cooked section the following noncompliance’s were observed.
1. The knife the establishment use’s to cut the fully cooked meat with had meat and meat residue approximately Y, to % inch long from previous day production. The knife is a direct contact surface and the knife was on the table. I then placed U.S. Reject # B 8057713 and informed [redacted] of the noncompliance .
2. The table in which the establishment places the fully cooked meat on had meat approximately Y, to % inch in size from previous day production. The table is a direct contact surface. I then informed [redacted] of the noncompliance.
3. The cray-o-vac the establishment uses to vacuum package fully cooked meat, had meat several particles inside of the cray-o-vac approximately X to Y, inch in size from previous day production.
4. The wallbehind the table in the fully cooked section where the establishment cuts, vacuum, and wrap had several meat particles that covered the wall. I then informed management about the noncompliance of the wall. The establishment concerns are that it is not a direct contact surface. I informed the establishment that 9 CFR 416.4(a)(b), All food contact -surfaces, including food contact-surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitize as frequently as necessary. Also Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitize frequently as necessary.The establishment re-washes all the equipment in the fully cooked section and it was re-inspected by [redacted] and found to be satisfactory. The U .S.Reject tag was removed at 0900 hours. At approximately 0905 hours while performing a scheduled task Pre-Operational Review and Observation (01802) on the processing side of the establishment, after asking management had they performed their preoperational and have they found everything acceptable. The establishment management responded yes everything is acceptable. In the three units selected for inspection the following noncompliance’s were observed.
1. The piece of equipment the establishment calls the grinder had meat and meat residue particles approximately Y, to % inch in size from previous day production. I then placed U.S. Reject tag # 839 918699 on equipment and informed [redacted] of the noncompliance.
2. The blades that goes onto the grinder and housing in which the meat is squeeze out after being grind had meat particles approximately X to Y, inch in size from previous day production. I then informed [redacted] of the noncompliance.
3. The cutting boards had meat on them approximately Y, to% inch in size from previous day production. I then informed of the noncompliance.
4. The edible metal container in which the establishment puts edible form trays in, had meat and meat residue from previous day production . I notified [redacted] of the noncompliance.
5. The Gasket that goes around the grinder had meat and meat residue from previous day produ ction I then informed [redacted] of the noncompliance.
66. The establishment walls had several particles of meat and blood on the walls from previous day production. The establishment re-washes all the equipment and it was re-inspected by [redacted] and found to be satisfactory. The U .S.Reject tag was removed at 0935. In checking the establishment there is no other NR for the same cause.


416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

416.13(a) Each official establishment shall conduct the pre-operational procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s before the start of operations.

416.13(c) Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.

416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

USDA Inspection Report: 29 Dec 2011

Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.13(b), 416.4(d), 416.5(a)

Citation: On Thursday, December 29, 2011,at approximately 1055hrs, [redacted] observed a noncompliance at establishment M10312.[redacted] approached the rear entrance that leads into the raw processing room and observed [redacted] smoking a cigarette whilehandling raw pork product intended for further processing. [redacted] immediately put a cigarette out and opened the door for [redacted]. [redacted] informed [redacted] that the product was for retail product, upon further inspection [redacted] saw processing nothing identifying the product as retail and informed [redacted] that it needed to be labeled as such. [redacted] immediatly labeled the product as retail and placed the raw pork product into the raw product cooler and then cleaned and sanitized the entire raw processing area.


416.13(b) Each official establishment shall conduct all other procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s at the frequencies specified.

416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.

416.5(a) Cleanliness. All persons working in contact with product, food-contact surfaces, and product-packaging materials must adhere to hygienic practices while on duty to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions.

USDA Inspection Report: 22 Dec 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.1, 416.5(a), 416.4(d)

Citation: At approximately 1320 hours while performing a scheduled SPS Verification (06001 product base, on the processing side of the establishment. I observed a person/ customer come to the back door of the establishment; I then observed one of the employees who are in management let the person/ customer in the back door. The person/ customer walk through the processing area with product exposed with no hair net or white coat. I then place U.S. Reject tag # 842 273597 in the area. I then informed the management on what I observed and what is written in the plan and of the noncompliance. That anyone comes into the processing area will have on a hair net and a white coat; in the fully cooked section everyone will have on a blue coat and hair net and if they have a beard, a beard net will be required. I then spoke to [redacted] about the issue after informing of his plan and the noncompliance took immediate corrective action in removing the person/ customer out of the processing area: the establishment preventive measure is that he will have a hanger put up this weekend where he can hang some white coats and place for hair nets. For any person/ customer comes in the back door will have them to put on. The U.S. Reject tag was removed at 1355. The establishment started back working and sanitary conditions were restored.


416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

416.5(a) Cleanliness. All persons working in contact with product, food-contact surfaces, and product-packaging materials must adhere to hygienic practices while on duty to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.

USDA Inspection Report: 26 Oct 2011

Code: 04804
Violation: 317.2(c), 317.13, 317.20

Citation: At approximately 1315 hours while performing a scheduled General Labeling (04804) task, in what the establishment calls the fresh meat cooler where raw product is kept that has not been cooked.  In the fresh cooler on a pallet against the wall I observed two containers of product . The first container was gray and it had approximately twenty-pounds of meat sausage grind up with no label on the container.  I then proceeded to the other container which is white it had cut up pork meat approximately fifteen pounds of product without  no label on the container.  I then informed [redacted] about the noncompliance. The establishment took immediate corrective action by placing labels on the containers. The establishment past prevent ive measure on 10/24/2011is not effective.  The establishment has one previous written NR for the same cause on 10/24/2011 Nr # is RBJ211410002410. The establishment preventive measure is that he has to more training on the subject. This document serves as written notification that your failure to comply with regulatory requirement(s) could result in additional regulatory or administrative action.


317.2(c) Labels of all products shall show the following information on the principal display panel (except as otherwise permitted in this part), in accordance with the requirements of this part or, if applicable, part 319 of this subchapter

317.13 Labels, wrappers, and containers bearing any official marks, with or without the establishment number, may be transported from one official establishment to any other official establishment provided such shipments are made with the prior authorization of the inspector in charge at point of origin, who will notify the inspector in charge at destination concerning the date of shipment, quantity, and type of labeling material involved. No such material shall be used at the establishment to which it is shipped unless such use conforms with the requirements of this subchapter.

317.20 [Reserved]

USDA Inspection Report: 24 Oct 2011

Code: 04804
Violation: 317.20, 424.22(c)(4)

Citation: At approximately 1215 hours while performing a scheduled General Labeling (04804) procedure in the establishment finish product cooler, I observed in two gray edible containers with summer sausages with no label on them. I then placed U.S. Retain tag # 834362802 on the gray containers. I then informed [redacted] about the noncompliance. That is when the establishment informed [redacted] retail product. I then informed that when inspected product is mixed with retail product it is reasonable for me to conclude that it is all inspected product. At that time an employee came in and into the office and asks [redacted] can she start packing the product in the gray containers. [redacted] then informed her that it was retail product. Upon further inspection there was a rack of smoked salami named Sunkarica with no label on it also. I then informed [redacted] about the noncompliance. The establishment took immediate corrective action by placing labels on the product and the gray containers: the establishment preventive measure is tha stated that he is going to have plant meeting discussing the noncompliance’s with the employees. Sanitary conditions were restored. The U .S.Retain tag was removed at 1235 hours.


317.20 [Reserved]

424.22(c)(4) (i) The labels on packages of meat food and poultry products irradiated in their entirety, in conformance with this section and with 21 CFR 179.26(a) and (b), must bear the logo shown at the end of this paragraph (c)(4)(i). Unless the word ‘‘Irradiated’’ is part of the product name, labels also must bear a statement such as ‘‘Treated with radiation’’ or ‘‘Treated by irradiation.’’ The logo must be placed in conjunction with the required statement, if the statement is used. The statement is not required to be more prominent than the declaration of ingredients required under § 317.2(c)(2). Any label bearing the logo or any wording of explanation with respect to this logo must be approved as required by Section 317.4. of this chapter or subparts M and N of part 381.

Broadway Corn Beef Co., Inc., 1841 Gratiot Ave, Detroit, MI 48207

Address: 1841 Gratiot Ave, Detroit, MI 48207
Establishment No.: m10285

USDA InspectionReports:

USDA Inspection Report: 28 Dec 2011

Code: 01802
Violation: 416.4(a), 416.13(c)

Citation: At 0605 hours I asked the sanitation supervisor if the main production area was ready for inspection and he replied that it was, I then asked if he had noted any problems during his pre-operational sanitation inspection and he stated that he did not. The owner Mr. Sotirios Melistas who was also present accompanied me on the inspection. The following noncompliances were noted, several fat particles averaging about X inch in diameter were noted in two of the stainless steel curing bins. I pointed these areas out to the owner, who had his sanitation supervisor implement immediate corrective actions that precluded my taking regulatory control action by tagging. At 0625 hours, the owner notified me that the two stainless steel bins were ready for re-inspection; I re-inspected the bins and informed the owner that they were acceptable for use in production . I also informed him that a Noncompliance Record would be issued for the establishment’s fail ure to meet the requirements of the CFR Title 9 Parts noted in block 6 of this noncompliance.


416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

416.13(c) Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.

USDA Inspection Report: 13 Dec 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.2(b)(2), 416.1

Citation: At 1045 hours a line of condensation was noted  on the ceiling just forward of the east wall.The cement bumper below this area was damp from the dripping, but the pallet of briskets just  forward of the bumper was unaffected . Some minor sweating was also noted on the wall itself. Even though no product was affected, this dripping and the sweating on the wall create an insanitary condition . I pointed this noncompliance out to the owner Mr.Sotirios Melistas who implemented  corrective actions of wiping the condensation and the wall. I reviewed  the establishment’ s pre-operational and operational sanitation checklists, no condensation issues were noted on the establishment’s pre-operationa l sanitation inspection, and no operational sanitation inspection was documented  at this time.I informed  Mr. Melistas that a noncompliance would  be issued for the establishment’s  failure to meet the requirementsof the CFR Title 9 Parts noted  in block 6 of this noncompliance.


416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

416.2(b)(2) Walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

USDA Inspection Report: 29 Nov 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(b)(1), 416.1

Citation: The following SPS noncompliance was noted at 0601 hours, during the performance of the pre-operational sanitation inspection in the main production room. Immediately upon entering the production room I noted a couple of drops of water forming on the ceiling on both sides of the doorway, just forward of the doorway wall. No product or product contact surfaces are located under these areas, nor does processing take place under these areas.I monitored the couple of beads of water for over 10 minutes and observed no dripping at this time.Even though there is not steady dripping, this is taking place in a production area, and the establishment plans to process product this morning. This not only creates an insanitary condition, but the possibility of product adulteration. I pointed this dripping out to the Establishment owner Mr. Melistas who accompanied me on the inspection and who had noted th is water on the ceiling this morning when he opened up for the day. He explained to me that th is portion of the roof had just been repaired in October, and that he had no problems with the roof leaking until the heavy rains last night and this morning. He stated that he wanted to ru n processing operations for about four hours, and that he would take corrective actions to block off the affected areas with plastic and metal barrels to prevent product adulteration and would monitor and wipe the affected areas as necessary. He also stated that he just called the roofer and left him a message and would get the problem fixed as soon as possible. I informed him that his immediate corrective actions were adequate and that a noncompliance would be issued for the establishment’s failure to meet the requirementsof the CFR Title 9 Parts noted in block 6 of this noncompliance.


416.2(b)(1) Establishment buildings, including their structures, rooms, and compartments must be of sound construction, be kept in good repair, and be of sufficient size to allow for processing, handling, and storage of product in a manner that does not result in product adulteration or the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

USDA Inspection Report: 6 Oct 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.1, 416.4(b), 416.2(c)

Citation: At 1018 hours during an inspection of the spice room, the following noncompliances were noted. Upon entering I noticed that the light was on, but it was very d im and appeared to ready to burn out, it was not producing enough light so that I could properly perform my inspection  without a flashlight.The light was so weak that I could not the labels on prod uct stored at the far end of the room opposite the doorway. Further inspection revealed that the storage platforms that held the boxes and bags of ingredients had accumulated product spilled on them and in several areas this spilled product had become dry and crusty. The floor areas underneath these platforms were a lso covered with spilled product,as was, to a lesser extent, the walkway stretching the length of the room. The condition of this area creates an insanitary condition within the facility. I informed the owner Mr. Satoris Melistas of this noncompliance’s and that a noncompliance record would be issued for the establishment’s failure to meet the requ irements of the CFR Title 9 Parts noted in block 6 of this Noncompliance Record.


416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

416.2(c) Light. Lighting of good quality and sufficient intensity to ensure that sanitary conditions are maintained and that product is not adulterated must be provided in areas where food is processed, handled, stored, or examined; where equipment and utensils are cleaned; and in hand-washing areas, dressing and locker rooms, and toilets.

USDA Inspection Report: 29 Sep 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(b)(2), 416.1

Citation: The following SPS noncompliance was noted during the performance of the pre-operational sanitation inspection in the processing room.At 0615 while inspect ing the back wall area, behind and to the right of the cutting table and extending to the elevated brine mixing tank meat and fat particles were noted on several areas of the wall. I pointed these areas out to the Establishment owner Mr.Sotiros Melistas who concurred with my findings and stated that he would clean these areas during the postproduction clean up. I then proceeded to review the establishment’s preoperational sanitation inspection checklist from this morning and noted that meat and fat pa rticles were noted on the back wall. But these particles were noted on the opposite side of cutting table, on the wall, floor and drain in the area encompassing the packaging machine, basement door and the left side of the cutting table, this had been annotated on the pre-operational sanitation checklist and corrected prior to my pre-operational sanitation inspection. The establishment had failed to find and correct the noncompliance that I had noted. I informed the Establishment Owner that Mr. Melastisthat a noncompliance would be issued for the establishment’s failure to meet the requirement of the CFR Title 9 Parts noted in block 6 of this Noncompliance


416.2(b)(2) Walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

USDA Inspection Report: 20 Sep 2011

Code: 01802
Violation: 416.4(a)

Citation: On 09/20/2011 at approximately 0610 HRS, After the establishment had conducted their pre operational inspection [redacted] performed a hands on verification task, and observed the following noncompliance. Meat and fat particles from a pervious days production on the brine injector. The noncompliance were made on direct food contact surface of equipment that was about to be used by the esta blishment. Equipment was immediately US rejected #81095297, and Sotirios Melistas was notified of the noncompliance findings. @ this time Sotirios was informed that a noncompliance would be issued for the failure to comply.After corrective action had been performed [redacted] reinspected the equipment and relinquished control @ 0640HRS.


416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

USDA Inspection Report: 8 Sep 2011

Code: 01802
Violation: 416.4(a), 416.4(b)

Citation: On September 08,at approximately 0605HRS, After the establishment had cond ucted their per operational inspection [redacted] performed a hands on verification task.Meat and fat particles from a pervious days production were found on the brine tank, pump injector, trim table and one (1) stainless steel tub. The noncompliance were made on direct food contact surfaces and non food contact surfaces of equipment that was about to be used by the esta blishment. Equipment was immediately US rejected #81095586, and Sotirios Melistas was notified of these noncompliance findings, @ this time he was informed that a noncompliance would be issued for the failure to comply. After corrective action were madelll!ll reinspected the equipment and relinq uished control.


416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

USDA Inspection Report: 8 Aug 2011

Code: 04A02
Violation: 317.8

Citation: Within performing a X % solution task I [redacted] checked the pumped weight on a spice check at product weighting green weight 51and pumped weight 87.6. This resulted in a [redacted] ingoing pickle being injected in to the corn beef brisket. When I calculated the ingoing sodium nitrite and it was 307. 44 parts per million which is out of compliance from the allowed 200 parts per million . I also calculated the ingoing sodium phoshate and it was 6832.11parts per million . Which exceeds the allowable 5000 parts per million. Immediately notified Sotirios Melistasof the overages in the product.No tag was issued product was weighted again after draining and was found to be in compliance.
@ this time Sotirios Melistas was informed that a noncompliance would be issued for the failure to comply.


317.8(a) No product or any of its wrappers, packaging, or other containers shall bear any false or misleading marking, label, or other labeling and no statement, word, picture, design, or device which conveys any false impression or gives any false indication of origin or quality or is otherwise false or misleading shall appear in any marking or other labeling. No product shall be wholly or partly enclosed in any wrapper, packaging, or other container that is so made, formed, or filled as to be misleading.

USDA Inspection Report: 8 Aug 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(d)

Citation: On August 08, 2011 while performing a SPS verification task, [redacted] observed the following noncompliance. Condensation  dripping  onto  boxed  product .Immediately [redacted] was notified of the area  of concern . Product was not adulterated, At this time Sotirios was informed  that a noncompliance would be issued for the failure to comply.


416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

USDA Inspection Report: 12 Jul 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(b)(2), 416.2(h)(1), 416.2(a)

Citation: On July 12, 2011While performing a SPSverification task [redacted] observed the following non compliance.In the employee break room the toilet was out of service and contain waste. In the basement area there was spider webs on the ceilings and walls. Immediately [redacted] was notified of the areas of concern, he was also informed  that a non compliance would be issued for the failure to comply.


416.2(b)(2) Walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.2(h)(1) Dressing rooms, lavatories, and toilets. Dressing rooms, toilet rooms, and urinals must be sufficient in number, ample in size, conveniently located, and maintained in a sanitary condition and in good repair at all times to ensure cleanliness of all persons handling any product. They must be separate from the rooms and compartments in which products are processed, stored, or handled.

416.2(a) Grounds and pest control. The grounds about an establishment must be maintained to prevent conditions that could lead to insanitary conditions, adulteration of product, or interfere with inspection by FSIS program employees. Establishments must have in place a pest management program to prevent the harborage and breeding of pests on the grounds and within establishment facilities. Pest control substances used must be safe and effective under the conditions of use and not be applied or stored in a manner that will result in the adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.

USDA Inspection Report: 10 Jun 2011

Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.l5(a), 416.2(e)(2), 416.12(a), 416.4(c), 416.13(b), 416.2(d)

Citation: While also performing an SPS task of the establishment the following noncompliance were observed .

1.) Hazardous chemicals stored in the same area as edible product or ingredients.

2.) Insanitary cond ition the back storage, upstairs storage, and employee break room.

3.) Back up of sewage in the basement area.

4.) Condensation in production area


416.l5(a) Each official establishment shall take appropriate corrective action(s) when either the establishment or FSIS determines that the establishment’s Sanitation SOP’s or the procedures specified therein, or the implementation or maintenance of the Sanitation SOP’s, may have failed to prevent direct contamination or adulteration of product(s).

416.2(e)(2) Properly convey sewage and liquid disposable waste from the establishment;

416.12(a) The Sanitation SOP’s shall describe all procedures an official establishment will conduct daily, before and during operations, sufficient to prevent direct contamination or adulteration of product(s).

416.4(c) Cleaning compounds, sanitizing agents, processing aids, and other chemicals used by an establishment must be safe and effective under the conditions of use. Such chemicals must be used, handled, and stored in a manner that will not adulterate product or create insanitary conditions. Documentation substantiating the safety of a chemical’s use in a food processing environment must be available to FSIS inspection program employees for review.

416.13(b) Each official establishment shall conduct all other procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s at the frequencies specified.

416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

USDA Inspection Report: 10 Jun 2011

Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.4(a)

Citation: After the establishment  had conducted their pre operational inspection, [redacted] performed  a hand’s on verification task at 0600 HRS and the results were, residue build up from a previous days production was found inside the tubing of the pump machine. Equipment was immediately rejected tag# B 32066247 was issued and [redacted] as notified of these noncompliance finding’s I reviewed the records for today and there were no concerns identified. The noncompliance were made on direct product contact surfaces of equipment that was about to be used by the establishment. [redacted] was informed that a noncompliance would be issued for the failure to comply.


416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

Charidimos, Inc., 23100 Telegraph, Southfield, MI 48034

Address: 23100 Telegraph, Southfield, MI 48034
Establishment No.: m10315

USDA Inspection Reports:

USDA Inspection Report: 21 Dec 2011

Code: 03G02
Violation: 417.2(a)(2), 417.S(a)(l)

Citation: On Wednesday December 21, 2011 at approximately 0830, a noncompliance was observed wh ile performing a Fully Cooked-Not Shelf Stable HACCP inspection task. While observing the establishment preparing a meatball prod uct an employee was observed tempering (thawing) raw ground beef in approximately 8 inches of standing water, [redacted] was asked why the employee was doing th is. He stated that the meat was frozen and they were thawing it so they could use it in the meatball product. Upon review of the establishments’ hazard analysis and flow chart it was observed that tempering raw meat product was not addressed at any point. As a step in the establishment’s processthe tempering of raw meat need sto be shown in the flowchart and addressed in the hazard analysis. Since there is a subsequent cooking step there does not appear to be a food safety issue.


417.2(a)(2) A flow chart describing the steps of each process and product flow in the establishment shall be prepared, and the intended use or consumers of the finished product shall be identified.

417.S(a)(l) Every official establishment shall conduct, or have conducted for it, a hazard analysis to determine the food safety hazards reasonably likely to occur in the production process and identify the preventive measures the establishment can apply to control those hazards. The hazard analysis shall include food safety hazards that can occur before, during, and after entry into the establishment. A food safety hazard that is reasonably likely to occur is one for which a prudent establishment would establish controls because it historically has occurred, or because there is a reasonable possibility that it will occur in the particular type of product being processed, in the absence of those controls.

USDA Inspection Report: 17 Nov 2011

Code: 04804
Violation: 307.4(a), 317.11, 317.4

Citation: On Thursday, November 17, 2011, at 0600hrs [redacted] stated that he arrived to work early to package a new product to be shipped today.(11/17/2011) [redacted] stated that the two new products were not meat products and did not fall under USDA jur isdiction . At approximately 0700hrs a noncompliance was observed while reviewing the label of one of the new products Quiche Lorraine.The fourth ingredient listed on the label is ham, [redacted] was asked what percentage of ham was in the product, he stated that the 28 oz product contained 2 oz of ham, which equals approximately 7% ham. If a product contains more than 3% of cooked meat product it must be prepared under the supervision of a USDA program employee and must have an approved label. [redacted] was informed of the noncompliance and U.S. Retain Tag 85130646 was attached to the 63 cases of the Quiche Lorraine product.


307.4(a) No operations requiring inspection shall be conducted except under the supervision of a Program employee. All slaughtering of animals and preparation of products shall be done with reasonable speed, considering the official establishment’s facilities.

317.11(a) No person shall in any official establishment apply or affix, or cause to be applied or affixed, any label to any product prepared or received in such establishment, or to any container thereof, or fill any container at such an establishment, except in compliance with the regulations in this subchapter.

317.4 (a) No final labeling shall be used on any product unless the sketch labeling of such final labeling has been submitted for approval to the Food Labeling Division, Regulatory Programs, Food Safety and Inspection Service, and approved by such division, accompanied by FSIS form, Application for Approval of Labels, Marking, and Devices, except for generically approved labeling authorized for use in § 317.5(b). The management of the official establishment or establishment certified under a foreign inspection system, in accordance with part 327 of this subchapter, must maintain a copy of all labeling used, along with the product formulation and processing procedure, in accordance with part 320 of this subchapter. Such records shall be made available to any duly authorized representative of the Secretary upon request.

Detroit Sausage Company, Inc., Address: 2715 St. Aubin, Detroit, MI, 48207

Address: 2715 St. Aubin , Detroit, MI, 48207
Establishment No.: m10266

USDA Inspection Reports:

USDA Inspection Report: 5 Jan 2012

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(b)(2), 416.1, 416.2(d)

Citation: While conducting pre-op inspection  in the sausage department the follow facility noncompliance was observed : On the overhead unit there was frozen condensation, the freezer exhibited ice at the entrance way and numerous fat specks and particles form previous operations on the floor.  One flat bed cart used to transport  boxed product exhibited rust on the handle. [redacted] whom was with IPP was informed  and shown the areas of concern. [redacted] agreed with the findings [redacted] was informed that a noncompliance would be issued for failure to comply with the above regulatory citations. No tag was applied.


416.2(b)(2) Walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

USDA Inspection Report: 30 Dec 2011

Code: 01802
Violation: 416.13(c), 416.2(b)(2), 416.2(d)

Citation: After the establishment had cond ucted and competed their pre-op sanitation inspection, [redacted]


416.13(c) Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.

416.2(b)(2) Walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

USDA Inspection Report: 1 Dec 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(b)(2), 416.1

Citation: While conducting pre-op inspection [redacted] observed the following facility noncompliance: There were several overhead fans which exhibited dust, fans located in production areas. In addition there was rust areason the overhead brackets and control boxes. [redacted] was immediately informed and shown the areas of concerns. [redacted] was informed that a noncompliance would be issued for failure to comply with the above regulatory citations.


416.2(b)(2) Walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

USDA Inspection Report: 15 Nov 2011

Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.5(a), 416.13(b), 416.4(d)

Citation: At approximately 0840HR [redacted] observed an employee pick up sausage from the floor and place them on the lower shelf at her work station and went on to handled product. At this time [redacted] initiated regulatory control action with U.S.tag# B 8686171 as per (9CFR) Part 500.2(a)(1). [redacted] for the product and the conveyor line. Operations were immediately ceased by [redacted] IPP. [redacted] was immediately informed of the regulatory control action and the basis for the action taken. After corrective regulatory citations and that of the establishments SOP which states on page actions were met IPP relinquished control in the sausage department. Downtime appx. 12 mintues. [redacted] was informed that a noncompliance would be issued for failure to comply with the above Establishments SSOP plan was most recently modified on 06/07/11.


416.5(a) Cleanliness. All persons working in contact with product, food-contact surfaces, and product-packaging materials must adhere to hygienic practices while on duty to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.13(b) Each official establishment shall conduct all other procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s at the frequencies specified.

416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.

USDA Inspection Report: 29 Oct 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.1

Citation: While performing a SPS verification task [redacted] observed the following noncompliance in the holding cooler. Two of the overhead unit in the holding cooler were iced over.[redacted] initiated a regulatory control action #827 606632. Immediately [redacted] was notified of the noncompliance findings, and @ this time was informed that a noncompliance would  be issued for the failure to comply.


416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

USDA Inspection Report: 25 Oct 2011

Code: 04801
Violation: 317.8

Citation: At approximately [redacted] entered the production area where the establishment was processing English  Brand  Pork  Bangers, IPP requested to review the establishments label that was being applied to the boxes, then IPP requested to review the establishments Washington approved label. IPP then requested to see the flour that was being used in the process. After reviewing the last batch of flour that was received in the establishment it was determined that the ingredients in the flour with toasted bread crumbs did not match the label applied to the boxes or the Washington approved label. The last batch contained eggs which was not listed.  IPP initiated  regulatory control action on 700lbs of product that was  produced with U .S.tag 81095538 as per (9CFR) Part 500.2(a)(2) Product misbranding . [redacted] was informed that a noncompliance would  be  issued  for failure to comply with  the above regulatory citation.


317.8(a) No product or any of its wrappers, packaging, or other containers shall bear any false or misleading marking, label, or other labeling and no statement, word, picture, design, or device which conveys any false impression or gives any false indication of origin or quality or is otherwise false or misleading shall appear in any marking or other labeling. No product shall be wholly or partly enclosed in any wrapper, packaging, or other container that is so made, formed, or filled as to be misleading.

USDA Inspection Report: 24 Oct 2011

Code: 04804
Violation:  318.l(c)

Citation: At approximately [redacted] observed of product in the cutting department without any  [redacted]  identification. Product was tagged and  [redacted] was immediately informed . [redacted] was informed that a noncompliance would be issued for failure to comply with the above regulatory citation.


318.l(c) Every article for use as an ingredient in the preparation of meat food products, when entering any official establishment and at all times while it is in such establishment, shall bear a label showing the name of the article, the amount or percentage therein of any substances restricted by this part or part 317 of this subchapter, and a list of ingredients in the article if composed of two or more ingredients: Provided, That in the case of articles received in tank car lots, only one such label shall be used to identify each lot. In addition, the label must show the name and address of the shipper.

USDA Inspection Report: 13 0ct 2011

Code: 03802
Violation: 417.3(c), 417.3(b)(4)

Citation: [redacted] conducted a review and observation of the establishment conducting a monitoring procedures which  resulted  in a deviation from their Critical Control Point a [redacted]  degrees product wasllilll degrees. The establishment took corrective actions however their was no verificat ion of the establishment corrective actions.


417.3(c) All corrective actions taken in accordance with this section shall be documented in records that are subject to verification in accordance with § 417.4(a)(2)(iii) and the recordkeeping requirements of § 417.5 of this part.

417.3(b)(4) Perform or obtain reassessment by an individual trained in accordance with § 417.7 of this part, to determine whether the newly identified deviation or other unforeseen hazard should be incorporated into the HACCP plan.

USDA Inspection Report: 10 0ct 2011

Code: 01802
Violation: 416.4(a), 416.5(b), 416.13(a), 416.13(b), 416.15(b), 416.13(c)

Citation: After the establishment  had conducted  and completed their pre-operational  inspection (b) (7)(C) conducted a verification of the establishments sanitation measure and the following noncompliance were observed : There were three stain less steel product tubs that exhibited fat particles form previous operations. There was an electrical box that exhibited rust, there was rust exhibited on the roll stock machince and rusty side brackets .  Equipment was rejected  with U.S. tag# B 17 978823  [redacted] was immediatly informed  of the findings.2) At approximately 0747HR the establishment conducted  a through clean-up between  product which was produced first containing soy (IPP has strongly encouraged  EST. 10266to run product that contains allergens last, but the establishment stated that they needed the product in the morning). The establishment has stated in their SSOP that when they run product that contains soy/allergen in the morning that they would conduct a throuogh cleaning of equipment that was used.Ill [redacted] on this day verified that the establishment was cleaning equipment as stated in the plan [redacted] and have all employees changes gloves, frocks and aprons. While conducting the verification of the clean up the following noncompliance were observed :There was meat residue on parts of the grinder and an employee was observed to be placing unused  plastic bags back in the box which contained soy residue. IPP rejected  the grinder parts and the extra unused  plastic bags with U.S. tag# B 1095979. [redacted] was immediatly informed  that the establishment failed to following their procedures to prevent cross contamination . [redacted] was informed that a noncompliance would  be issued for failure to comply with the above regulatory citations and that if their SSOP for pre-op and operations cross contamination


416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

416.5(b) Clothing. Aprons, frocks, and other outer clothing worn by persons who handle product must be of material that is disposable or readily cleaned. Clean garments must be worn at the start of each working day and garments must be changed during the day as often as necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.13(a) Each official establishment shall conduct the pre-operational procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s before the start of operations.

416.13(b) Each official establishment shall conduct all other procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s at the frequencies specified.

416.15(b) Corrective actions include procedures to ensure appropriate disposition of product(s) that may be contaminated, restore sanitary conditions, and prevent the recurrence of direct contamination or adulteration of product( s), including appropriate reevaluation and modification of the Sanitation SOP’s and the procedures specified therein or appropriate improvements in the execution of the Sanitation SOP’s or the procedures specified therein.

416.13(c) Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.

USDA Inspection Report: 26 Sep 2011

Code: 03802
Violation: 417.2(c)(4), 417.5(a)(3), 417.4(a)(2)(i), 417.4(a)(2)(iii)

Citation: On Saturday [redacted] observed the monitoring activity for raw ground product (CCP-82) and later reviewed the records. The product temperature was documented  and the preshipment review was signed. During the review of records and verification  of mon itoring the following noncompliance were observed :The establishment failed to conduct a record  review for CCP-82 and the establishment was using a digital thermometer.[redacted] then reviewed the establishments  HACCP plan which only [redacted] here was no frequency for the records review  for CCP-82. [redacted] spoke with HACCP/SSOP Controller on  Monday September 26, 2011 concerning the records review and the frequency for a Critical Control  Point. [redacted]y stated that  he had  it but had  been  making modifications to the HACCP plan and that he would  correct the oversight  immediately. [redacted] was informed  that a noncompliance  would be issued for failu re to comply with the above regulatory  citations.


417.2(c)(4) List the procedures, and the frequency with which those procedures will be performed, that will be used to monitor each of the critical control points to ensure compliance with the critical limits;

417.5(a)(3) Records documenting the monitoring of CCP’s and their critical limits, including the recording of actual times, temperatures, or other quantifiable values, as prescribed in the establishment’s HACCP plan; the calibration of process-monitoring instruments; corrective actions, including all actions taken in response to a deviation; verification procedures and results; product code(s), product name or identity, or slaughter production lot. Each of these records shall include the date the record was made.

417.4(a)(2)(i) The calibration of process-monitoring instruments

417.4(a)(2)(iii) The review of records generated and maintained in accordance with § 417.5(a)(3) of this part.

USDA Inspection Report: 16 Sep 2011

Code: 04804
Violation: 318.l(c)

Citation: At approximately 0630HR [redacted] was in the holding cooler and the following noncompliance was observed: There were several types of ground sausages in tub, one of the tubs did not bear any identification.    retained product pending identification with U.S. tag#81095538. [redacted] was immediately informed. [redacted] was informed that a noncompliance would be issued for failure to comply with the above stated citation .


318.l(c) Every article for use as an ingredient in the preparation of meat food products, when entering any official establishment and at all times while it is in such establishment, shall bear a label showing the name of the article, the amount or percentage therein of any substances restricted by this part or part 317 of this subchapter, and a list of ingredients in the article if composed of two or more ingredients: Provided, That in the case of articles received in tank car lots, only one such label shall be used to identify each lot. In addition, the label must show the name and address of the shipper.

USDA Inspection Report: 16 Sep 2011

Code: 01802
Violation:416.13(c), 416.2(d)

Citation: After the establishment has cond ucted and competed their pre-op sanitation in the sausage departmentlll [redacted] conducted pre-op inspection  to verify the establishments sanitation controls and the[redacted] following noncompliance was observed: There was meat & fat particles inside of the grinder (approximately 1/8 of an inch on the blades). Equipment was rejected for use.[redacted] was immediately informed and show the area of concern. 2) [redacted] alsoverify the sanitation measures for the small freezer which  is located in the sausage department and the following noncompliance was observed: There was ice on the floor in several areas, there was an enormous amount of condensation on the ceiling some frozen and some dripping although no product was adulterated the cond itions observed was far less than sanitary. At this time [redacted]  in itiated Regulatory Control Action with U.S. tag# 8 18 760110 as per (9CFR) Part S00.2(a)(1) Insanitary conditions. [redacted]  immediately informed of the regulatory control action and the basis for the action take [redacted] was informed that a noncompliance wou ld be issued for failure to comply with the above stated regulatory citations.


416.13(c) Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.

416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

USDA Inspection Report: 3 Sep 2011

Code: 01802
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.4(b), 416.4(a)

Citation: On Saturday, September 3, 20111 proceeded to perform a Preop wit [redacted] beside me and found the following non-compliance. In the Salt Pork room the rollstock machine had an accumulation of some kind of  black and brown like gritty substance along the inside where the film runs and also some of this black flecks were in the film pouches. The rollstock machine was tagged  with US Tag 828932425. In the   sausage processing dept beaded condensation was forming along the pipes over the processing area.  [redacted] agreed with the find ings and took appropriate action. There was no product involved in either situation.


416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

USDA Inspection Report: 28 Jul 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.1

Citation: After conducting pre-operational inspection and during pre-op the following insanitary conditions were observed: The boiler room floor had an accumulation of un known material scattered, the maintenance room had an accumulation of foot wear scattered about. There were two carts in the label storage area which is used to transport product exhibited rust on the wheels. Also located in this area were weeds coming through the bottom of the door. The above findings were shown to [redacted] was informed that a noncompliance would be issued for fail ure to comply with (9CFR) Part 416.1.


416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

USDA Inspection Report: 17 Jun 2011

Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.12(a), 416.13(b), 416.5(a)

Citation: At approximately 0806HR [redacted] was observing the employee practices of handling product and the following conditions were observed: An employee packed fresh pork sausages in a box and then picked up another box and began packing more product, the employee did not sanitize hands and/or gloves after handling product and and prior to handling the box. At this time [redacted] initiated regulatory control action as per (9CFR) Part 500.2(a)(1) Insanitary conditions or practices with U.S. Retain tag# 81095295. [redacted] was immediately informed [redacted] of the regulatory control action and the basis for the action [redacted] tated that he would tank the product in question (8lbs). II [redacted] verified the denaturant of the adulterated product.Again @ approximately 0845HR while waiting to conduct a weekly meeting observed the same incident where the employee hand led boxes and product without sanitizing their hands. Operations were immediately ceased by [redacted] and regulatory control action was again initiated as per (9CFR) Pa rt 500.2(a)[redacted] was again informed of the observation.[redacted] were informed that a noncompliance would be issued for failure to comply with (9CFR) Part 416.5(a)(l), 416.12 and 416.13(b).


416.12(a) The Sanitation SOP’s shall describe all procedures an official establishment will conduct daily, before and during operations, sufficient to prevent direct contamination or adulteration of product(s).

416.13(b) Each official establishment shall conduct all other procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s at the frequencies specified.

416.5(a) Cleanliness. All persons working in contact with product, food-contact surfaces, and product-packaging materials must adhere to hygienic practices while on duty to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions.

USDA Inspection Report: 14 Jun 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.1

Citation: At approximately 0608HR while conducting pre-operational inspection observed the following non-food-contact equipment to less than sanitary: The carts that boxed product and boxed spices are placed upon all the wheels exhibited rust, the backside of the grinder exhibited an unknown black material. The large freezer floor exhibited wood, ice and meat scarps. One electrical cord exhibited meat specks. Although no product would be adulterated the conditions observed were less than sanitary. [redacted] was immediately informed and shown the areas of co Id take care of the concern immediately. [redacted]s informed that a noncompliance would be created for failure to comply with (9CFR) Part 416.1.


416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

USDA Inspection Report: 7 Jun 2011

Code: 01C01
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.4(d)

Citation: On June 07,2011 at approximal 1000 HR,IIIJB observed the following noncompliance. A unidentified clear liquid was dripping on to boxed product from an overhead pipe. Immediately [redacted] was notified of the area of concern, at this time was informed that a noncompliance wou ld be issued for the failure to comply.


416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.

E & H Packing Co., 2453 Riopelle Street, Detroit, MI, 48207

Address: 2453 Riopelle Street, Detroit, MI, 48207
Establishment No.: m10256

USDA Inspection Reports:

USDA Inspection Report: 6 Dec 2011

Code: 04804
Violation: 312.2, 316.6

Citation: At 0912 hours, the Inspector in Charge at Establishment [redacted]. M contacted me concerning a load of hanging trim that was received at her establishment with no official inspection legend. She stated that the product had come from one of my establishments, 10256 M, and she was retaining the product pending my investigation as to why this product had no official inspection legend . I went to establishment 10256 M, and asked the owner Mr.Ron Buzar if he had shipped a load of hanging trim to establishment 10291 M this morning, he stated that he did I asked him if he had applied the official inspection legend to the product prior to shipment and he replied that he thought he did. As we were discussing this in the main processing room, I noted the stamp with the official inspection legend on it on the processing table behind Mr. Buzar. I informed him that the product that he had sent to establishment 10291 M did not have the Mark of Inspection, and was currently retained. At this time, I informed him that a noncompliance would be issued for the establishment’s failure to meet the requirements of the CFR Title 9 Parts noted in block 6 of this noncompliance.


312.2(a) The official inspection legend required by part 316 of this subchapter to be applied to inspected and passed carcasses and parts of carcasses of cattle, sheep, swine and goats, meat food products in animal casings, and other products as approved by the Administrator, shall be in the appropriate form as hereinafter specified: [labels not shown]

316.6 No person shall remove or cause to be removed from an official establishment any products which the regulations in this subchapter require to be marked in any way unless they are clearly and legibly marked in compliance with such regulations.

USDA Inspection Report: 22 Nov 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(b)(2), 416.1, 416.4(b)

Citation: At 0609 hours, the following SPS noncompliances were noted in the main processing room/walk-in cooler during the performance of the pre-operational sanitation inspection . Meat scraps were noted under and behind the cutting table, under, on the frame and behind the weigh ing platform of the scale.These scraps ranged in 1/16th of an inch to 1Y, inches in diameter. Although no product contact surfaces were affected, this condition creates an insanitary cond ition within the facility. At this time, the establishment had not filled out its pre-operational checklist. I pointed these noncompliances out to the owner Mr. Ron Buzar and informed him that a noncompliance would be issued for the establishment’s failure to meet the requirements of the CFR Title 9 Parts noted in block 6 of this noncompliance.


416.2(b)(2) Walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

USDA Inspection Report: 14 Nov 2011

Code: 03C02
Violation: 417.2(c)(4)

Citation: On Monday, November 14, 2011at approximately 07:30hr, I observed Mr Ron Buzar receiving product from Brown Packing Co. 2 combos of bnls Beef, and 4 pallets of assorted boxed meat products, total of about 120 boxes or more. Receiving is the establishments CCP 18 step in their plan and it states that [redacted]• . Mr Buzar took the temperature of 6 boxes, 10% should have been a minimum of 12 boxes. I informed Mr.Buzar that I would be documenting a non-compliance and reminded him of what his plan states. He disagreed and I asked him to show me otherwise, he stated “I don’t have time for you, I have trucks to un load, write what you want,” and he left the room.Later around 10:30hr I returned to the plant and observed product in the cooler from [redacted], this product was not there earlier, I looked at the receiving log and the product was not documented on the log.


417.2(c)(4) List the procedures, and the frequency with which those procedures will be performed, that will be used to monitor each of the critical control points to ensure compliance with the critical limits

USDA Inspection Report: 14 Nov 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.1, 416.2(b)(4)

Citation: On November 14,2011 at approximately 06:57hr, I was performing a SPS verification task and found the following non-compliance.  I n the establishments processing room that is no longer being used  for that purpose, I found a large black inedible container, clearly labeled “Inedible”, with two rolls of brown butcher paper used  for meat wrapping inside. I  informed  Mr. Ron Buzar that these rolls used to wrap meat could not be stored in the inedible containers and that a non-compliance record would be issued.


416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

416.2(b)(4) Rooms or compartments in which edible product is processed, handled, or stored must be separate and distinct from rooms or compartments in which inedible product is processed, handled, or stored, to the extent necessary to prevent product adulteration and the creation of insanitary conditions.

USDA Inspection Report: 14 Nov 2011

Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.5(a), 416.5(b)

Citation: On Monday, November 14, 2011, I was observing ssop procedures at this establishment and observed an employee kneeled down on the floor washing the floor, then several times entering and exiting the establishment with out removing her white frock while receiving product. I observed no direct contact with product.


416.5(a) Cleanliness. All persons working in contact with product, food-contact surfaces, and product-packaging materials must adhere to hygienic practices while on duty to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.5(b) Clothing. Aprons, frocks, and other outer clothing worn by persons who handle product must be of material that is disposable or readily cleaned. Clean garments must be worn at the start of each working day and garments must be changed during the day as often as necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions.

USDA Inspection Report: 14 Nov 2011

Code: 01C01
Violation: 416.16(a)

Citation: On Monday, November 14, 2011at approximately 06:30hr, I asked Mr Ron Buzar if I could look at the records for Nov. 9th, 10th and 11th of November. He provided the records to be, but one record, the operational record for November 11, 2011was not there. He looked in the cabinet where the records are kept, could not find the document. He then took a blank record into the adjacent room and filled in the form, he made a copy and presented it to me. I looked at the document and returned it to him. There was no signature or initialson the document. 416.16 states the establishment employee responsible shall authenticate these records with there initials and date.


416.16(a) Each official establishment shall maintain daily records sufficient to document the implementation and monitoring of the Sanitation SOP’s and any corrective actions taken. The establishment employee(s) specified in the Sanitation SOP’s as being responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the procedure(s) specified in the Sanitation SOP’s shall authenticate these records with his or her initials and the date.

USDA Inspection Report: 25 Oct 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.5(a), 416.1

Citation: At 0620 hours I noted the following SPS noncompliance outside the main entrance of the facility, an employee was noted in a white smock, smoking, out in front of the establishment on the sidewalk. I informed the Establishment owner Mr. Ron Buzar of what I had noted, he stated he would correct the employee. I informed him that not only is this practice less than sanitary, but due the fact that this employee handles raw product, and comes in contact with product contact surfaces such as equipment, packaging and tables, the possibility of adulteration exists. I informed Mr. Buzar that a noncompliance would be issued for the establishment’s failure to meet the requirements of the CFR Title 9 Parts noted in block 6 of this Noncompliance.


416.5(a) Cleanliness. All persons working in contact with product, food-contact surfaces, and product-packaging materials must adhere to hygienic practices while on duty to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

USDA Inspection Report: 13 Oct 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.1

Citation: At 0615 hours, the following SPS noncompliance was noted  in the main processing area/walk-in cooler during the review and observation  component of the pre-operat ional sanitation inspection. Pitted rust was noted on the ceiling supports of the three tired shelf running along the east wall from behind the scale to just forward of the cement support at the rear of the room.These shelves are used  to store finished product that is packaged  in various levels of protection, from being packaged  in an open top box with just a piece of butcher paper for protection, to a fully sealed box.Occasionally exposed packaging  materials are also stored near these rusty supports. No evidence of adulteration  was noted, but the possibility exists, as does the creation of an insanitary condition.I pointed these areas out to the Establishment owner Mr. Ron Buzar who concurred with my findings. I informed  him that a noncompliance would be issued for the establishment’s failure to meet the requirements of the CFR Title 9 Parts noted  in Block 6 of this Noncompliance.


416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

USDA Inspection Report: 13 Sep 2011

Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.15(a), 416.16(a), 416.2(b)(1), 416.4(d)

Citation: At 1020 hours, the following noncompliances were noted in the walk-in cooler. As I walked toward the back of the cooler, I noticed what aapeared to be drops of water on the brown paper covering the floor. Looking up at the ceiling I noted a drop of water on the cross beam above this area. Further investigation revealed two more drops of water on other areas of the same crossbeam. After observing this area for a few moments, a drop of water landed on one of the exposed areas of one of the quarters. At this time, I took regulatory control action on all the quarters below the areas where water was noted on the crossbeam. Six quarters were tagged; all of them were covered in plastic except for the one that I had noted the water drip on, it dripped on an exposed portion where the plastic had been ripped away. All six quarters were tagged due to the possibility of adulteration from the dripping water from the crossbeam, US Retained Tags No.’s 88592940, 88592930, 88592929, 8549003, 88592934, and 8592935. I notified the employee in charge who initiated corrective actions, while I observed, of wiping the remaining drops of water of the crossbeam and then moving the six-tagged quarters to another area of the cooler where they remained tagged and segregated. I then took regulatory control action on the portion of the rail that was exposed to the dripping with USDA Rejected Tag 885490004. After re-inspecting the six quarters that were tagged, I d id not see any other evidence of moisture on the plastic covering the quarters or any evidence that the other five were affected. I released the other five quarters and kept regulatory control action on the quarter tagged with US Retained No. 88592929 on which the water had dripped. Further investigation of the cooler revealed condensation/ ice around the west side of rea r cement support, and water dripping from the ceiling where an electrical conduit was passing through, coming from the east side of the rear cooling unit. I took regulatory control action of the cement support with US Rejected Tag No. 88592950 and tagged the area under the conduit with US Rejected 8 8549002. Plastic buckets were placed in these areas in conjunction with my rejected tags to insure access was denied to these areas. Even though no product was stored under these areas at this time, the possibility existed. At this time, I explained to [redacted] that the five quarters could be released, and the one that I had noted the water drip on was still under regulatory control action until the establishment implemented corrective actions. I also I pointed out the overhead areas which were tagged due to dripping water, condensation/and or ice. I explained to him that these areas would not be released until proper corrective actions were implemented and that I would be back tomorrow morning to check the status of the establishment’s corrective actions. On 14 Sep 2011 at 0609 hours, I performed a preoperational sanitation inspection the storage/processing cooler, accompanied by the owner Mr. Ron 8uza r.I re-inspected theoverhead areas that I had tagged and the corrective actions/repairs that had been im plemented. No evidence of dripping water was noted on the floor and no evidence of water, condensation or ice was noted on the overheads. At this time, I released the areas for use in production. I then re-inspected the beef quarter on wh ich the water had dripped, the owner had performed corrective actions that were to trim the affected areas, and I released the beef quarter for use in production. I informed the Mr.[redacted]uzar that a noncompliance would be issued for the establishment’s failure to meet the requirements of the CFR Title 9 Parts noted in block 6 of this Noncompl iance.


416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

416.15(a) Each official establishment shall take appropriate corrective action(s) when either the establishment or FSIS determines that the establishment’s Sanitation SOP’s or the procedures specified therein, or the implementation or maintenance of the Sanitation SOP’s, may have failed to prevent direct contamination or adulteration of product(s).

416.16(a) Each official establishment shall maintain daily records sufficient to document the implementation and monitoring of the Sanitation SOP’s and any corrective actions taken. The establishment employee(s) specified in the Sanitation SOP’s as being responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the procedure(s) specified in the Sanitation SOP’s shall authenticate these records with his or her initials and the date. 

416.2(b)(1) Establishment buildings, including their structures, rooms, and compartments must be of sound construction, be kept in good repair, and be of sufficient size to allow for processing, handling, and storage of product in a manner that does not result in product adulteration or the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.4(d) product in a manner that does not result in product adulteration or the creation of insanitary conditions.

USDA Inspection Report: 12 Sep 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.1

Citation: On September 12, 2011 at approximately 0715 HRS, while performing a SPStaskllillfll observed the following noncompliance. Beaded condensation in three (3) different location inside the processing cooler, No product was adultered Immediately Ron Buzar was notified of the areas of concern.At this time Ron was informed that a noncompliance would be issued for the failure to comply


416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

USDA Inspection Report: 24 Aug 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.1, 416.2(a), 416.2(b)(1)

Citation: At 0910 hours while entering the establishment the following SPS noncompliance was noted.A flat metal bar about 1½ inch wide which runs the length of the middle of the doorway covering thegap when both doors are sh ut, had came apart at the bottom of the doorway form the door to which it was bolted exposing thegap .This exposed gap is a potential entranceway for vermin such as rats and mice. I pointed this out to the owner Mr. Ron Buzar who concurred with my findings and stated that he would fix it.I informed him that a noncompliance would be issued for the establishment’sfailure to meet the requirements of the CFR Title 9 Parts that are annotated in block 6 of this noncompliance.


416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

416.2(a) Grounds and pest control. The grounds about an establishment must be maintained to prevent conditions that could lead to insanitary conditions, adulteration of product, or interfere with inspection by FSIS program employees. Establishments must have in place a pest management program to prevent the harborage and breeding of pests on the grounds and within establishment facilities. Pest control substances used must be safe and effective under the conditions of use and not be applied or stored in a manner that will result in the adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.2(b)(1) Construction. Establishment buildings, including their structures, rooms, and compartments must be of sound construction, be kept in good repair, and be of sufficient size to allow for processing, handling, and storage of product in a manner that does not result in product adulteration or the creation of insanitary conditions.

USDA Inspection Report: 13 Jul 2011

Code: 01B01
Violation: 416.13(a)

Citation: At approximately 0838HR [redacted] requested to review the establishments pre-operational sanitation report.  Mr. Ron Buzzer asked an employee for the sanitation report. The employee stated that he did not conduct a pre-operational sanitation report for this date. Production was limited to the use of utensils (hand saw) which had been clearly used. [redacted] asked Mr. Ron Buzzer was did he use the saw for. Mr. Ron Buzzer stated that he had cut the bone portion on one carcass. At this time [redacted] initiated regulatory control action with U.S. tag# B 1095348. Mr. Ron Buzzer was immediately informed of regulatory control action and the basis for the action taken. Mr. Ron Buzzer stated that he would recondition the product where the incisions were made. [redacted] requested to review the establishments reconditioning policy. Mr. Ron Buzzer presented the pre-op procedures from his SSOP plan, however what was presented does not address reconditioning product if adulterated and/or contaminated. The above noncompliance is linked to a paper copy containing the same incident where the establishment failed to conduct pre-operational inspection. The establishment preventive measures from previous noncompliance dated 05/06/2011 “rough night or not I will perform pre-op before I sleep I take full responsibility”. Signed by Ron Buzzer. Mr. Ron Buzzer was informed that a noncompliance would be issued for failure to comply with regulations stated above and the establishment SSOP which states [redacted]


416.13(a) Each official establishment shall conduct the pre-operational procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s before the start of operations.

Graham’ s Organic Meats, LLC 3653 East Weidman, Rosebush, MI 48878

Address: 3653 East Weidman Rosebush, MI 48878
Establishment No.: m27435

Enforcement Reports:

Enforcement Report: September 6, 2013


This letter confirms the September 6, 2013, verbal notification provided to you by [redacted] of the Food Safety and Inspection Service’s (FSIS) decision to place the suspension of the assignment of inspection program personnel for the slaughter process in abeyance at your establishment,  located at the above address. This decision is based upon your responses to the Chicago District Office on September 5 and 6, 2013.

See More Here: PDF

Enforcement Report: September 6, 2013


This letter confirms the September 5, 2013, verbal notification provided to you by Dr. Tamara Mayberry Davis, Deputy District Manager (DDM), of the Food Safety and Inspection Service’s (FSIS) decision to suspend the assignment of inspection program personnel from the slaughter process at your establishment, located at the above address, as specified in Title 9 of the Code of Federal Regulations (9 CFR) 500.3 (b). This action was taken because of your establishment’s inability or unwillingness to effectively implement humane methods of slaughtering and handling of animals under the Acts, as outlined below, and in a manner that complies with FSIS regulatory requirements. This action is based on FSlS’ findings that your establishment failed to comply with the requirements of9 CFR 313.15 (a)(3) and 313 .15 (b) (1) (iv).

See More Here: PDF

J.G. Food’s Inc., 17951 E Fourteen Mile Road, Fraser, MI 48026

Address: 17951 E Fourteen Mile Road, Fraser, MI 48026
Establishment No.: m10307

USDA Inspection Reports:

USDA Inspection Report: 1 Dec 2011

Code: 03802
Violation: 417.4(a)(2)(iii)

Citation: On the calendar date of December 1, 2011 at approximately 0645 hours wh ile performing the Raw Ground HACCP task, the following noncompliance was observed: The verification section of the HACCP plan states [redacted] The HACCP record for the date of November 30, 2011 shows that product temperatures were monitored at CCP 81 and that all temperatures met the critical limit prescribed in the HACCP plan. However, no determination can be made as to whether or not the record was reviewed, as the verification section of the record is blank. [redacted] was shown the noncompliance and he confirmed the findings. [redacted] was informed that a noncompliance record would be issued. This noncompliance record will be discussed during the next weekly meeting.


417.4(a)(2)(iii) Ongoing verification activities. Ongoing verification activities include, but are not limited to: The review of records generated and maintained in accordance with § 417.5(a)(3) of this part.

USDA Inspection Report: 3 Nov 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(d)

Citation: On the calendar date of November 3,2011 at approximately 0650 hours while performing an SPS (Sanitary Performance Standards) task, the following noncompliance was observed: [redacted], observed frost and ice on the outside of the freezer. The lower portion of the freezer door was surrounded by frost. Frozen ice was observed on the outside wall (directly to the right of the door). Frozen ice was also observed above the door. No regulatory control action was taken, as [redacted], immediately initiated corrective actions. [redacted] was notified of the noncompliance. This noncompliance record will be discussed during the next weekly meeting. A similar noncompliance record was documented on October 14, 2011; please reference NR # FPH3709104814N. The establishment ‘s response to NR # FPH3709104814N failed to prevent recurrence.


416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

USDA Inspection Report: 14 Oct 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(d)

Citation: On the calendar date of October 14, 2011at approximately 0627 hours while performing an SPS(Sanitary Performance Standards) verification task, the following facility noncompliance was observed : I, [redacted] observed droplets of condensation on the underside of the refrigeration cooling unit above the stuffer. There was no product inside the stuffer at the time of the findings; therefore, no product contamination was observed[redacted] was shown the noncompliance and he immediately initiated corrective actions. This noncompliance record will be discussed during the next weekly meeting. A similar noncompliance record was documented on August 30, 2011; please reference NR # FPH0107080231N-2.The establishment ‘s response to NR # FPH0107080231N-2 failed to prevent recurrence.


416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

USDA Inspection Report: 26 Sep 2011

Code: 03802
Violation: 417.4(a)(2)(ii)

Citation: On the calendar date of September 26, 2011at approximately 0646 hours while performing the Raw Non-Intact HACCP task, the following noncompliance was observed: The verification section of the HACCP plan states that [redacted], reviewed HACCP records from the previous week for the dates of 9/19/2011 – 9/23/2011. The records show that monitoring procedures were conducted at the frequencies specified in the HACCP plan.The recorded temperatures met the prescribed critical limit, and record  review verification was performed daily. However, none of the records show that monitoring was verified by direct observation. At the time of the findings, preshipment review verification was completed on each of the records. [redacted], was shown the noncompliance and he confirmed the findings. This noncompliance record will be discussed  during the next weekly meeting. A similar noncompliance was documented on 8/8/11; please reference NR # FPH1613083708N-1. The establishment’s response to NR # FPH1613083708N-1failed to prevent recurrence.


417.4(a)(2)(ii) Ongoing verification activities. Ongoing verification activities include, but are not limited to: Direct observations of monitoring activities and corrective actions;

USDA Inspection Report: 31 Aug 2011

Code: 03802
Violation: 417.5(a)(1)

Citation: On the calendar date of August 31, 2011 at approximately 1020 hours while observing operations in the establishment, the following HACCP noncompliance was observed: The hazard analysis states that a [redacted] The justification for the decision states that the [redacted].observed two empty boxes labeled “pork trimming” from Indiana Kitchen inside the processing room. I asked to review the guarantee from this supplier. However, the guarantee could not be produced. [redacted], confirmed that there was no letter of guarantee on file covering the product. [redacted] was notified of the noncompliance. This noncompliance record will be discussed during the next weekly meeting.


417.5(a)(1) The written hazard analysis prescribed in § 417.2(a) of this part, including all supporting documentation

USDA Inspection Report: 30 Aug 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.1, 416.2(d)

Citation: On the calendar date of August 30, 2011at approximately 0808 hours wh ile performing an SPS (Sanitary Performance Standards) Verification task, the following noncompliances were observed:1) Black mold is visible on a refrigeration unit catch pan, 2) Several wall tiles inside the processing room exhibit black mold, which causes an insanitary condition,and 3) Ice was observed in 2 different areas on the outer wall of the freezer towards the floor. [redacted] was shown the ice. A similar noncompliance record was documented on July 5, 2011; please reference NR # FPH1411073305N/1. The establishment’s response to NR # FPH1411073305N/1 failed to prevent recurrence. The noncompliance was also discussed during a U .S.D.A./EST. weekly meeting; please reference Memorandum of I nterview dated 7/8/2011. This noncompliance record will be discussed during the next weekly meeting.


416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

USDA Inspection Report: 30 Aug 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(b)(2), 416.2(b)(1)

Citation: On the calendar date of August 30, 2011at approximately 0808 hours wh ile performing an SPS (Sanitary Performance Standards) Verification Task,the following noncompliances were observed: 1) Grout is missing from the walls inside the processing room which results in voids between wall tiles, 2) The top of the utility lock box exhibits chipping paint, 3) Oxidation is visible on and around many overhead structures, and 4) Utility tape is dangling from two different overhead structures near the packaging line and near the casing preparation area. [redacted], was informed of the noncompliances. This noncompliance record will be discussed during the next weekly meeting.


416.2(b)(2) Walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.2(b)(1) Establishment buildings, including their structures, rooms, and compartments must be of sound construction, be kept in good repair, and be of sufficient size to allow for processing, handling, and storage of product in a manner that does not result in product adulteration or the creation of insanitary conditions.

USDA Inspection Report: 8 Aug 2011

Code: 03802
Violation: 417.4(a)(2)( ii)

Citation: On the calendar date of August 8, 2011at approximately 0635 hours while performing the Raw -Non Intact HACCP task, the following noncompliance was observed: The establishment’s HACCP plan states that . I, [redacted], reviewed the HACCP records from the previous week ( August 1-August 5, 2011) and observed that temperatures were monitored at CCP Bl as stated.The recorded temperatures are acceptable, as the temperatures met the critical limit prescribed in the HACCP plan.However, there are no initials or signatures recorded in theobservation section on any of the records. [redacted],was shown the noncompliance and he confirmed the findings. [redacted] was informed that a noncompliance record wou ld be issued. Your establishment failed to meet the regulatory requirementsof 9 CFR 417. 4(a)(2)( ii). This noncompliance record will be discussed during the next weekly meeting.


417.4(a)(2)( ii) Ongoing verification activities. Ongoing verification activities include, but are not limited to: (i) The calibration  (ii) Direct observations of monitoring activities and corrective actions; and

USDA Inspection Report: 18 Jul 2011

Code: 01C01
Violation: 416.16(a)

Citation: On the calendar date of July 18, 2011 at approximately 1108 hours while performing the Operation al Sanitation Record Review task, the following noncompliance was observed : [redacted] reviewed the operational sanitation record for the date of July 15, 2011. The record shows that all conditions, practices, and areas were acceptable during operations, as there were no deficiencies recorded. However, the record does not show the initials or signature of the person who completed the record. [redacted] was notified of the noncompliance. Your establishment failed to meet the regulatory requirements of 9 CFR 416.16(a). This noncompliance record will be discussed during the next weekly meeting.


416.16(a) Each official establishment shall maintain daily records sufficient to document the implementation and monitoring of the Sanitation SOP’s and any corrective actions taken. The establishment employee(s) specified in the Sanitation SOP’s as being responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the procedure(s) specified inthe Sanitation SOP’s shall authenticate these records with his or her initials and the date.

USDA Inspection Report: 5 Jul 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(d)

Citation: On the calendar date of July 5, 2011 at approximately 0644 hours while performing the Sanitary Performance Standards Verification task, the following noncomplian ce was observed: Frozen ice, in the form of a large icicle, was observed on the lower outside wall of the freezer. Frosted ice was also located at the bottom of the freezer’s door.was shown the noncompliance, and he initiated corrective actions. Your establishment failed to meet the regulatory requirementsof 9 CFR 416.2(d).This noncompliance record will be discussed during the next weekly meeting.


416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

USDA Inspection Report: 8 Jun 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(d)

Citation: [No description]


416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

USDA Inspection Report: 7 Jun 2011

Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.4(d), 416.13(c)

Citation: On the calendar date of June 7, 2011 at approximately 0650 hours while observing operations in the processing room, the following noncompliance was observed : The “Developments of Sanitation SOP’s”section of the establishment’s SSOP’s states that, [redacted]. I observed an employee gathered trimming meat on the cutting baords as the meat was taken from the combo. The same employee gathered meat from the floor and placed the meat in a waste barrel. The employee then returned to the cutting boards and resumed trimming meat without removing the gloves he used to gather meat from the insan itary floor. I approached the employee and asked him to remove the gloves and wash his hand s,as there was no supervisor in the area at this time. The employee immediately washed his hands and applied clean gloves. Please be advised that the two pieces of meat that were hand led by the employee prior to washing his hands, were re-conditioned. I observed the employee as he reconditioned the meat; the recond itioning method was acceptable. [redacted] was notified of the noncompliance. Your establishment failed to meet the regulatory requirements of 9 CFR 416.4(d) and 9 CFR 416.13(c). This noncompliance record will be discussed during the next weekly meeting.


416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.

416.13(c) Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.

S & D Packing Company, 2515 Riopelle Detroit, MI 48207

Address: 2515 Riopelle Detroit, MI 48207
Establishment No.: m10291

USDA Inspection Reports:

USDA Inspection Report: 13 Dec 2011

Code: 01802
Violation: 416.4(a), 416.4(b), 416.13(c)

Citation: At approximately 0700 hours, Tuesday, December 13, 2011,[mJU3il began performing a pre-operational SSOP, review and observation, verification task in the grinding room. During this inspection observations of noncompliance were made as follows:Fat residue along with meat pieces and scraps, ranging in size from approximately 1/16″X 1/8″to 1″ X 1/2″, were found on several parts of the equipment, tools and utensils. These include, but are not limited to, the product feeding shute of the patty machine, the product tunnel of the grinder, a hand-held kn ife sharpener ( steel rod and handle) and date stamper. Additionally, one table was observed with scraps of meat scattered on the tabletop, contacting the product contact surfaces of the equipment and other tools. These observations do not comply with regu latory requirements found in 9 CFR 416.4 (a), (b) and 416.13 (c). was present during the above stated observances and was informed at that time an NR would be documented. Owner, Terence Salley was also made aware of the findings and noncompliance record to be documented . This document serves as a written notification of failure to comply with regulatory requirements . Continued failure to comply with regulatory requirements may result in additional regulatory and/or administrative action(s).


416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

416.13(c) Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.

USDA Inspection Report: 7 Nov 2011

Code: 04804
Violation: 317.1

Citation: At 8:30hr the following noncompliance was observed in cooler. Gray tub had two bags of ground pork with no identification . A third bag of pork product which was not ground was labeled ground pork. notified and corrective actions performed .


317.1(a) When, in an official establishment, any inspected and passed product is placed in any receptacle or covering constituting an immediate container, there shall be affixed to such container a label as described in § 317.2 except that the following do not have to bear such a label.

USDA Inspection Report: 6 Oct 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(d)

Citation: At 1100hr the following noncompliacne was observed in the cooler area.Water droplets on ceiling in front of metal bench used to hold boxes of product.No dripping was observed on boxes.Drip was observed falling onto the floor in front of the bench area. Air unit above had ice on coils about one inch thick. notified and performed corrective actions.


416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.

USDA Inspection Report: 5 Oct 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(b)(1)

Citation: At 0830hr while performing faciltiy check the following noncompliance was observed . White overhead pipe in grinding room located near entranceway leading to cooler had brown spots in two areas. Product does pass through this area during the day shown noncompliant area and performed corrective actions.


416.2(b)(1) Establishment buildings, including their structures, rooms, and compartments must be of sound construction, be kept in good repair, and be of sufficient size to allow for processing, handling, and storage of product in a manner that does not result in product adulteration or the creation of insanitary conditions.

USDA Inspection Report: 28 Sep 2011

Code: 01802
Violation: 416.4(a), 416.13(a), 416.l5(b), 416.4(b), 416.13(c)

Citation: During the performance of the pre-operational sanitation inspection the following noncompliance’s were noted in the main processing room. The flatbed scale offered for inspection on the main cutting table, had a light gray crusty protein discoloration around the outer edges of the aluminum bed. This condition has the possibility not only to create an insanitary condition within the facility, but due to its being a contact surface the possibility of adulteration exists. In the lower wheel house portion of the band-saw, a fine layer of protein particles covered the back portion of the wheel. Although not a direct product contact surface this condition creates a less than sanitary condition. I pointed these noncompliance out to the who accompanied me on the inspection, and he implemented; corrective actions to restore compliance. I informed the owner Mr. Terence Salley of the noncompliance that I noted and that a Noncompliance would be issued for the establishment’s failure to meet the requirements of the CFR Title 9 Parts which are noted in block 6 of this noncompliance.


416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

416.13(a) Each official establishment shall conduct the pre-operational procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s before the start of operations.

416.l5(b) Corrective actions include procedures to ensure appropriate disposition of product(s) that may be contaminated, restore sanitary conditions, and prevent the recurrence of direct contamination or adulteration of product( s), including appropriate reevaluation and modification of the Sanitation SOP’s and the procedures specified therein or appropriate improvements in the execution of the Sanitation SOP’s or the procedures specified therein.

416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

416.13(c) Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.

USDA Inspection Report: 11 Aug 2011

Code: 01802
Violation: 416.13(a), 416.l5(b), 416.13(c), 416.4(a)

Citation: The following noncompliances were noted during the performance of the pre-operational inspection at 0710 hours. Two gray plastic lugs were noted with meat and fat particles in them and a layer of protein covering the interior. One noted in the grinding room is used to store plastic bags for packaging bulk ground beef and the other noted on the main cutting table in the cutting room that is used to store bench trim for grinding. The condition of both of these lugs not only creates an insanitary condition with in the facility but create the possibility of adulteration. The who accompanied me on the inspection precluded my taking regulatory action by tagging by performing immediate corrective actions. I observed his corrective actions, and when he presented the lugs for re-inspection at 0729 hours, I informed him that they were released for use in production. I then informed the that a Noncompliance would be issued for the establishment failure to meet the requirements of the CFR Title 9 Parts that are referenced in block 6 of this Noncompliance.


416.13(a) Each official establishment shall conduct the pre-operational procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s before the start of operations.

416.l5(b) Corrective actions include procedures to ensure appropriate disposition of product(s) that may be contaminated, restore sanitary conditions, and prevent the recurrence of direct contamination or adulteration of product( s), including appropriate reevaluation and modification of the Sanitation SOP’s and the procedures specified therein or appropriate improvements in the execution of the Sanitation SOP’s or the procedures specified therein.

416.13(c) Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.

416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

USDA Inspection Report: 17 Jun 2011

Code: 01802
Violation: 416.4(a)

Citation: At approximately 0708 hours the following noncompliance were noted in the grinding room during the performance of the pre-operational sanitation inspection . The forward interior portion of the grinder hopper had an area of fat build-up about 6 inches in diameter on it, and the lip of this hopper had dried meat particles on several spots.The white plastic connector, which connects the hopper to the patty machine had a heavy fat build-up on it’s interior and the interior and exterior of two of the sizing cups along had a heavy build-up of fat. I stopped my inspection at this point and informed the that I was taking regulatory control action of the grinding room with USDA Rejected Tag No. 8 8686048. I also informed him to notify me after he restored sanitary conditions and was ready for a re-inspection. At 0743 hours informed me that the grinding room was ready for re-inspection, at which time I re-inspected the grinder and the patty machine,and the rest of the room and released the room for use in production. I informed the that a noncompliance would be issued for the establishments failure to meet the requirements of the CFR Title 9.


416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.

USDA Inspection Report: 2 Jun 2011

Code: 01001
Violation: 416.2(b)(2), 416.1, 416.2(b)(1)

Citation: At 1020 hours,the following facility noncompliances were noted.In the main processing /storage, area flaking paint was noted around the cement support in the middle of the room.This support is surrounded on three sides by stored product and on the east side of the support cases of opened product are stored up against this support and directly under a patch of flaking paint. I n the grinding room, the flaking paint was noted on the electrical conduit which runs along the back and side wall over both packaging tables. Exposed product, product contact surfaces to include equipment and storage materials are located under this conduit. In addition, meat and fat particles and a build-up of dust were noted on the overhead areas above the table along the side wall. Although no product or contact surfaces were affected, the potent ial for adulteration and the creation of an insanitary condition exist. I informed the of these noncompliance’s and informed him that a noncompliance would be issued for the Establishments failure to meet the requirements of the fore mentioned Parts of the CFR Title 9.


416.2(b)(2) Walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.

416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.

416.2(b)(1) Establishment buildings, including their structures, rooms, and compartments must be of sound construction, be kept in good repair, and be of sufficient size to allow for processing, handling, and storage of product in a manner that does not result in product adulteration or the creation of insanitary conditions.