Arizona Slaughterhouses
Putting Glass Walls on Arizona Slaughterhouses So We Can See Behind Closed Doors from FAUN Friends Of Animals United
JBS Tolleson, Inc., 651 South 91st Ave., Tolleson, AZ 85353
Address: 651 South 91st Ave., Tolleson, AZ 85353
Establishment No.: 00267 M or M267
USDA Inspection Reports:
USDA Inspection Report: 18 June 2012
Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.4(c)
Citation: At approximately 1430hrs the following Non-Compliance was identified;A one gallon container of chemical was observed being poured into a gray barrel and being mixed with water, the clip dispenser was emerged in this solution. At this time I read the label on the container of chemical, then proceeded to ther Saftey Office to review MSDS sheet for ther product..After A review of the MSDS log book it revealed that no MSDS sheet was entered identifying this as a declared chemical on site and in use at this establishment. At this time was notified that a Non-Compliance will be issued for the missing documentation substantiating the safety of this chemical’s use in a food processing environment.A review of the previuos Non-Compliances written in the last 90 days indicates that no similiar Non- Compliances of the same root cause have occurred.
416.4(c) Cleaning compounds, sanitizing agents, processing aids, and other chemicals used by an establishment must be safe and effective under the conditions of use. Such chemicals must be used, handled, and stored in a manner that will not adulterate product or create insanitary conditions. Documentation substantiating the safety of a chemical’s use in a food processing environment must be available to FSIS inspection program employees for review.
USDA Inspection Report: 11 June 2012
Code: 03C02
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.4(d)
Citation: On 06/11/12 at approximately 0913 while performing the “Raw Intact HACCP” task the following deficiency was noted:Records review of CCP FA-2 monitoring records dated 06/06/12 revealed that the establishment failed to perform the task of monitoring surface temperatures of finished packaged and boxed product at the frequency of once every full hour of production according to the plant’s HACCP Plan. No temperatures were recorded for the period from the 0600 hr to 0756 hr , a span of nearly 2 hours. Upon investigating as to whether this check was not performed or it was performed but not recorded, ) informed me that the monitoring procedure was not performed due to staffing problems during that time. That the establishment failed to perform monitoring of the CCP at the required frequency represents non-compliance with 9 CFR 417.2(c)(4).That the CCP monitoring was not performed at the frequency as stipulated by the HACCP Plan was also missed when the establishment signed off on the record as being complete as part of it’s Preshipment Review.A review of the Non-Compliance records for the past 90 days revealed that no reports were written for the same cause.
416.2(d) Ventilation: Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 18 June 2012
Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.4(c)
Citation: At approximately 1430hrs the following Non-Compliance was identified;A one gallon container of chemical was observed being poured into a gray barrel and being mixed with water, the clip dispenser was emerged in this solution. At this time I read the label on the container of chemical, then proceeded to ther Saftey Office to review MSDS sheet for ther product..After A review of the MSDS log book it revealed that no MSDS sheet was entered identifying this as a declared chemical on site and in use at this establishment. At this time was notified that a Non-Compliance will be issued for the missing documentation substantiating the safety of this chemical’s use in a food processing environment.A review of the previuos Non-Compliances written in the last 90 days indicates that no similiar Non- Compliances of the same root cause have occurred.
416.4(c) Cleaning compounds, sanitizing agents, processing aids, and other chemicals used by an establishment must be safe and effective under the conditions of use. Such chemicals must be used, handled, and stored in a manner that will not adulterate product or create insanitary conditions. Documentation substantiating the safety of a chemical’s use in a food processing environment must be available to FSIS inspection program employees for review.
USDA Inspection Report: 31 May 2012
Code: 01D01
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.4(d)
Citation: At 7:48 am while performing an SPS check in the Fabrication department, I observed condensation on 2 (two) of the refrigeration units at the entrance of the boning room. The condensation was heavily beaded on the bottom of the units, on the connected pipes and on the rails directly above the product.[newline] Mr , was notified of the non-compliance. The line was stopped and the 5 beef sides were identified and separated from the production line to be trimmed. Trim from these carcasses will be sent to rendering. Refrigeration department was notified and the condensation was removed. Mr. stated that plastic would be hung under the units to protect the product from any other condensation. Once the plastic was hung under the units to prevent any dripping condensation from getting on the product, the line was allow to resume.[newline]This is in violation of 9 CFR 416.2(d) and 416.4(d). A review of the Non- Compliance records for the past 90 days revealed no similar incidents recorded.
416.2(d) Ventilation: Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 30 May 2012
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.13(c), 416.4(a), 416.4(b)
Citation: At 0515hrs while performing Pre-Operational Sanitation in the Fabrication Department the following deficiencies were observed:1) In the Sales Cooler the rail attached to the outside of the which guides the carcasses past the cabinet had grease dropping/smears on the top of the rail. The rail assists and guides the carcasses beside the to minimize the carcasses contact with the Every carcass throughout the days production rubs along this rail. The section of rail was approximately 4 feet long. Where Sales Cooler rail #13 meets the inlet chain for the I observed what seemed to be oil dripping off the inlet chain.The rail was scrubbed and sanitized, then the inlet rail was wiped dry in my presence. After re-inspection the rail and finding it acceptable, the rail was released for use in production.2) In the In N Out Room the sink and Meat Wash sink had grease marks speckled over the both sinks and cutting board. The sanitizer (#19) that is attached to the sink had brown/rustlike water in the bottom of the sanitizer. There was about 3 to 4 inches of this water in the sanitizer and several chunks product from the prior days production.The sinks and sanitizer were scrubbed and sanitized in my presence, after re-inspection and finding the sanitation acceptable the area was released use in production.3) In the Trim Room the clear plastic strips that deflect and confine the for the Process Aid applicator of the primal/sub-primal cuts application had product residue smeared on them. These smears were approximately 2 to 3 inches in height and was present on every clear plastic strip.The clear plastic strips were cleaned and sanitized in my presence, after re-inspection of the strips and finding them acceptable they were released for use in production.4) Finally, also in the Trim Room the incline belt used for the metal detector had grease splattered on the belt. This was approximately a patch that was 6 inches by 10 inches in size. notified Fab Floor maintenance to remove the grease. After the grease was removed PSSI then cleaned and sanitized the belt. At this time I re-inspected the belt and released the belt for use in production.The regulation 9CFR 416.13(c) is being cited for the establishments failure to adequately monitor the implementation of the Sanitation SOP’s.These finding represent Non- Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(a), which states, “All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.”These findings also represent Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(b), which states, ” Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and adulteration of product.”Finally, these findings also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.13(c), which states, “Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.”This Non-Compliance was reported to and . After a review of Non-Compliance Reports for the last 90 days it has revealed that Non-Compliance # ECD5410055222N/1 was written for the same root causes. The preventative measures proff
416.13(c) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized
USDA Inspection Report: 22 May 2012
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.13(c), 416.4(a), 416.4(b)
Citation: At 0515hrs while performing Pre-Operational Sanitation the following Non-Compliances were observed:1) The in the Sales Cooler had product residue from the prior days production on both the high and low carcass guide rails that are attached along side of the cabinet. The rails assist and guide the carcasses beside the to minimunize the carcass contact with the These rails have each and every carcass throughout the days production rubbing along these rails. The product reside was a smear of fat that was 12 feet long by 1 inch covering the top and side of the guide rails.The rails were scrubbed and sanitized in my presence, after re-inspection the area was released for use in production.2) The supporting stainless steel framework and stainless steel top of the table saw located at the beginning of the Loin Line (Line had product reside from the prior days production on the food-contact surfaces and the non-food-contact surfaces. The product reside was varied from smears of fat to small pieces of fat attached to the equipment.The framework and table top of the saw was cleaned and sanitized in my presence, after re-inspecting the framework and table top of the saw and finding the sanitation acceptable the Loin Line was released for production.This represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(a), which states, “All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adultteration of product”.This also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(b), which states,” Non- food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product”.Finally, this also represents Non-Compliance with 9 CFR 416.13(c), which states, “Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s”.This Non-Compliance was reported to After a review of Non-Compliance reports fro the past 90 day revealed no reports with similar findings.
416.13(c) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 17 May 2012
Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.13(c), 416.4(a), 416.4(b)
Citation: While observing the establishments in process cleaning of transport barrels for edible product, I observed the following noncompliance: Barrels are cleaned and stored in an area adjacent to the entrance to the stimulator and During my inspection of the cleaned barrels, I observed several white barrels with blood stained hand prints around the rim, blood spots inside the barrels and large amounts of discolored water remaining at the bottom of many of the inspected barrels. Industry conducted research has demonstrated that containers and receptive tools can be a major source of microbial contamination and cross contamination when they are miss handled by processing employees. At 13:05 I informed of the improperly cleaned barrels and that a noncompliance record would be issued. After reviewing the noncompliance records for the last 90 days, no additional noncompliances were issued involving the same root cause.
416.13(c) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 27 April 2012
Code: 03J02
Violation: 417.2(a)(2), 417.2(b), 417.2(c), 417.2(c)(5), 417.4(a)(2) (iii), 417.5(a)(1), 417.5(a)(2)
Citation: On 27 April 2012 I was informed by in-plant Inspection that a process change had occurred involving the application of at the head and tongue wash cabinet. After a review of the Offal HACCP plan, it was confirmed that there was not a documented reference to the addition of as a processing step at the step 3 head and tongue wash station. I also noted that there was no reference to the application of at the head and tongue station, in the hazard analysis or HACCP flow chart. 9 CFR 417.4 (a) 3, Reassessment of the HACCP plan, states that every Establishment shall reassess the adequacy of the HACCP Plan annually and whenever changes occur that can affect the Hazard Analysis and/or alter the HACCP Plan. At 8:45 AM was informed of the HACCP non compliance and that a non compliance record would be issued regarding this failure to reassess the HACCP Plan prior to the implementation of this processing aid. After a review of the non compliance records for the past 90 days, non compliances with a similar root cause were not noted.
417.2(a)(2) Hazard Analysis: A flow chart describing the steps of each process and product flow in the establishment shall be prepared, and the intended use or consumers of the finished product shall be identified.
417.2(b) The HACCP plan. (1) Every establishment shall develop and implement a written HACCP plan covering each product produced by that establishment whenever a hazard analysis reveals one or more food safety hazards that are reasonably likely to occur, based on the hazard analysis conducted in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, including products in the following processingcategories: (i) Slaughter—all species. (ii) Raw product—ground. (iii) Raw product—not ground. (iv) Thermally processed—commercially sterile. (v) Not heat treated—shelf stable. (vi) Heat treated—shelf stable. (vii) Fully cooked—not shelf stable. (viii) Heat treated but not fully cooked—not shelf stable. (ix) Product with secondary inhibitors—not shelf stable.
417.2(c) The contents of the HACCP plan: The HACCP plan shall, at a minimum: (1) List the food safety hazards identified in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, which must be controlled for each process. (2) List the critical control points for each of the identified food safety hazards, including, as appropriate: (i) Critical control points designed to control food safety hazards that could be introduced in the establishment, and (ii) Critical control points designed to control food safety hazards introduced outside the establishment, including food safety hazards that occur before, during, and after entry into the establishment.
417.2(c)(5) Include all corrective actions that have been developed in accordance with § 417.3(a) of this part, to be followed in response to any deviation from a critical limit at a critical control point
417.4(a)(2) Ongoing verification activities. Ongoing verification activities include, but are not limited to: (i) The calibration of process-monitoring instruments; (ii) Direct observations of monitoring activities and corrective actions; and (iii) The review of records generated and maintained in accordance with § 417.5(a)(3) of this part.
(iii) Raw product—not ground. (iv) Thermally processed—commercially sterile. (v) Not heat treated—shelf stable. (vi) Heat treated—shelf stable. (vii) Fully cooked—not shelf stable. (viii) Heat treated but not fully cooked—not shelf stable. (ix) Product with secondary inhibitors—not shelf stable.
417.5(a)(1) The establishment shall maintain the following records documenting the establishment’s HACCP plan: (1) The written hazard analysis prescribed in § 417.2(a) of this part, including all supporting documentation.
417.5(a)(2) The establishment shall maintain the following records documenting the establishment’s HACCP plan: The written HACCP plan, including decision making documents associated with the selection and development of CCP’s and critical limits, and documents supporting both the monitoring and verification procedures selected and the frequency of those procedures.
USDA Inspection Report: 26 April 2012
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.13(c), 416.4(a), 416.4(b)
Citation: At 0515hrs while performing Pre-Operational Sanitation in the Fabrication Department the following Non-Compliance was observed:The Kidney Fat Removal device had a fat buildup from the prior days production smeared on it. The fat that coated the contact surfaces was approxiamately a 1/8th inch to 1/4th inch in thickness and 1 inch in length and wrapped completely the device. The handle of the device was also covered in smeared fat.This devices was cleaned and sanitized in my presence, and after I re-inspected the device and finding the sanitation of the device satifactory, it was released for use in production.While inspecting the In-N- Out room the sink, sanitizer #19, and Meat Wash Station were identified as being dirty. The sink and Meat Wash Station had pieces of fat and a small black particulate matter on their surfaces. Sanitizer #19 had cold water in it from the prior days production. the water was purple in appearance and rust was affixed to the inside of the sanitizer.The sink and the Meat Wash Station were scrubbed and sanitized in my presence. The water was dumped out of the sanitizer, and the rust was scrubbed off the inside of the sanitizer. After re-inspecting the area, and finding the the area acceptable it was released for use in production.This represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(a), which states, “All food- contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and adulteration of product”.This also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(b), which states, “Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product”.Finally, this also represents Non_Compliance with 9 CFR 416.13(c), which states, “Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s” was notified of this Non-Compliance Report. After reviewing Non-Compliance Records for the last 90 days it revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.13(c) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 24 April 2012
Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.4(d)
Citation: During operational review and observation, I notice that the split saw operator number three was not following the companies written SSOP. The split saw operators carcass had been tagged which indicates that the doors to the split saw needed to be open and rinsed out removing any possible contaminates. I informed , that the number three split saw missed opening the split saw doors to rinse.[newline]If a carcass over 30 is tagged with a green USDA tag the company SSOP states that .[newline]I informed that this was in violation of their SSOP and that I would be issuing this Non Compliance Record.[newline]After review of past 90 days revealed no occurrences of the same root cause.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 23 April 2012
Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.4(d)
Citation: While performing a Operational SSOP review and observation, I notice white and blue barrels staged outside in the offal hallway for use in production. During my observation I notice at the bottom and underneath between the black transport module of the white and blue barrels there were multiple pieces of fat ranging in different sizes from 1/8 of an inch to a 1/4 of an inch. After removing the white barrel from the black transport module,the underside of the white barrels were covered with blood. I notified and cleaning . The cleaning crew recleaned and sanitized the barrels and the modules. I reinspected the barrels and modules and release them to production.[newline]Later I informed the that the company would be receiving this non compliance.[newline]During a review of non compliance records written in the last 90 days, no NR’s were with the same root cause.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 20 April 2012
Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.4(d)
Citation: At approximately 0920 a.m. during my Directed task SSOP review and observation, while monitoring the head dropping area. I noticed a carcass head #501 and tongue dragging on the floor. I immediately took regulatory control by halting production. was in that area Mr. pulled the tag number 501 and informed me of the corrective action taking place. The head was put on the head chain and then put out on the head rack to be condemned after a complete inspection was performed.[newline][newline]I notified the and made him aware that the company would be receiving this non compliance. During a review of non compliance records written in the last 90 days, no NR’s were with the same root cause.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 19 April 2012
Code: 01D01
Violation: 416.4(b), 416.4(d)
Citation: At 0545hrs while performing Sanitation Performance Standards in the Fabrication Department the following Non-Compliance was observed:[newline]An excessive amount of oil was observed on the sprocket and beams near the rib saw in the carcass breaking room. The production line was stopped immediately. notified maintenance personnel of the stop of production, and the need to have the oil removed. [newline]The oil was beaded and after the initial wipe, oil seeped back through the bolt holes of the support beams. At this point Maintenance Personnel proceeded to obtained a ladder and rags to remove the excess oil from the top and bottoms of the beams. Once the oil was wiped dry the sprocket and beam were reinspected. After finding the area acceptable was informed to start the production line.[newline]The production line was stopped for 10 to 15 minutes while this was addressed.[newline]This represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(b), which states, “Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and adulteration of product”.[newline]This also represents Non-Compliance with 9 CFR 416.4(d), which states, “Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments”.[newline] , was notified of this Non-Compliance Report.[newline]Under the HACCP regulatory system, establishments assume full responsibility for producing products that are safe for consumers.[newline]After reviewing Non-Compliance Records for the last 90 days it revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 06 April 2012
Code: 01D01
Violation: 310.3
Citation: While performing disposition duties at the USDA Inspection area the following situation occurred. At approximately 9:15 AM a series of rail outs were presented from the table inspection area. Within a 20 minute period of time 24 suspects were railed out creating an unmanageable congestion on the Veterinarian disposition table, head rack and carcass disposition area. After realizing that the disposition table was full, I informed table inspection to stop the line, allowing me an opportunity to inspect the viscera on the table in order to provide space for additional railed out carcasses. This process was repeated several times within a 30 minute period. I requested that reduce the line speed by 10%. The line speed was reduced however, that alone failed to minimize the impact of the large number of rail out carcasses 9 CFR 310.1. At one point there was a paunch without a proper USDA- MPD identification tag, the tag was later found under the unidentified paunch, 9 CFR 310.2. As a result of the large number of rail outs, the head rack was filled to capacity and heads being placed on the floor resulting in the establishments inability to comply with USDA regulatory requirements. At one point there were 24 carcasses at various stages of disposition staged throughout the trim area. As a result of the crowded conditions, there was no room for additional carcasses and several of the condemned carcasses were in very close proximity and often came in contact with other rail out suspects or to carcasses that only needed to be split. The non condemned carcasses could not be moved as they were between condemned carcasses with no available staging space. 416.4(d) requires that all product be protected from adulteration during processing, handling and storage. At 9:45 AM I informed that the establishment would be receiving a Non Compliance referencing the plants inability to maintain process control, animal identification, prevention of cross contamination. The establishment has failed to demonstrate that there is a documented procedure for the employees to follow in the event that the disposition process is compromised due to insufficient facility space to handle an excessive number of rail outs in a short period of time. During a review of the Non Compliance records written in the last 90 days, no NRs were written with the same root cause.
310.3 Carcasses and parts in certain instances to be retained. Each carcass, including all detached organs and other parts, in which any lesion or other condition is found that might render the meat or any part unfit for food purposes, or otherwise adulterated, and which for that reason would require a subsequent inspection, shall be retained by the Program employee at the time of inspection. The identity of every such retained carcass, detached organ, or other part shall be maintained until the final inspection has been completed. Retained carcasses shall not be washed or trimmed unless authorized by the Program employee.
USDA Inspection Report: 29 March 2012
Code: 06D02
Violation: 310.3
Citation: At 9:20 AM while performing disposition duties at the trim station I observed a carcass retained by USDA inspection staff with MPD tag number 61151526. While reviewing the viscera and associated internal organs presented on the disposition table it became clear that there was a large liver abscess with adhesions to the kidney and lateral left body wall. I proceeded to inspect the carcass for presence of septicemia or other associated food safety issues. During my inspection of the carcass, I observed that the skirts had been removed in total from the left and the right sides as well as all the pelvic glands, lymph nodes and associated connective tissue. The non involved kidney was present but the plural lining as well as the fat and adrenal gland with that kidney was removed. As stated in 9CFR310.3 Retained carcasses shall not be washed or trimmed unless authorized by a USDA Program employee. was notified of the non compliance and that an NR would be issued based on 9CFR 310.3. After a review of the NRs written during the previous 90 days there were no similar NRs written with the same root cause.
310.3 Carcasses and parts in certain instances to be retained. Each carcass, including all detached organs and other parts, in which any lesion or other condition is found that might render the meat or any part unfit for food purposes, or otherwise adulterated, and which for that reason would require a subsequent inspection, shall be retained by the Program employee at the time of inspection. The identity of every such retained carcass, detached organ, or other part shall be maintained until the final inspection has been completed. Retained carcasses shall not be washed or trimmed unless authorized by the Program employee.
USDA Inspection Report: 26 March 2012
Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.4(d)
At 1115hrs while in the Carcass Hotbox Cooler I observed the following Non-Compliance:[newline]Liquid beaded droplets of condensation were being propelled from the rusty fan grill of the overhead cooling unit above carcass rail # 109. The water that was being expelled from the cooling unit caused beaded droplets of condensation to form on the pipes, support beams, and carcass rails. The inlet chain to the Carcass Hotbox Cooler is located beneath this cooling unit.[newline]The production line was stopped and , was shown the Non-Compliance. Mr. contacted then instructed Refrigeration Maintenance to shut off the cooling unit.[newline]The last check on the Hot Box Drip Pan Sanitation Monitor Log for condensation in the was performed at 1100hrs, and was marked as acceptable at that time.[newline]Approximately 62 carcasses were affected by this water being expelled from the cooling unit.[newline]This represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.2(d), which states, “Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.”[newline]This also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(d), which states, “Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.”[newline]This Non-Compliance was reported to , and .[newline]A review of Non-Compliance records for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.2(d) Ventilation: Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 14 March 2012
Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.1, 416.2(b)(2) , 416.2(d)
Citation: 416.4(d), 416.4(d) During my inspection task operational sanitation I notice in the offal hallway a rack of uncovered tongues, and an employee washing his boots using a hot water drop line hose. The heavy over spray mist from the hot water drop line hose had covered the tongues that were about three feet from were the employee was washing his boots. The heavy over spray mist from the floor was a non food contact surface onto an edible product which represents a non-compliance. I notified o, , and , and made them aware of this non-compliance. Immediate action was taken and the product was sprayed with before being returned back into production. This represent Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4 (d). After a review of Non-Compliance records for the last 90 days revealed Non-Compliance #ECD0016011528N/1 /28/12 was written for the same root cause.
416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.
416.2(b)(2) Walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.
416.2(d) Ventilation: Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
USDA Inspection Report: 7 March 2012
Code: 01D01
Violation: 416.1, 416.2(b)(2) , 416.2(d)
Citation: At 0630hrs while walking past the Blast Freezer hallway the following Sanitary Performance Standards Non-Compliance was observed: Mud, pieces of wood from broken pallets, ice that was brown in color, and small pieces of brown/ black product residue from the prior days production were observed on the floor in the Blast Freezer hallway. At this time it was observed that the forklift traffic was tracking this filth from the hallway to the Box Cooler Storage area, as well as tracking in the opposite direction from the hallway through the Offal Department to the Offal Loading Dock area. The entire ceiling of the Blast Freezer hallway was covered in heavy beaded condensation, and the condensation was dripping. Two USDA Reject/Retain Tags were positioned across the two doorways entering and exiting the hallway of the Blast Freezer. , was notified immediately and he contacted the proper personnel to address the area and have the area cleaned. The Blast Freezer hallway was cleaned up. All material was swept from the floor and the hallway was rinsed with hot water, and the water was squeezed towards the drain. The floor was also dried further with a air hose. The condensation was removed and the area was released for use in production. This represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.1, which states, “Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.” This also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.2(b)(2), which states, ” Walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.” Finally, this also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.2(d), which states, “Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.” , was informed that this Non- Compliance would be issued. A review of Non-Compliance records indicated that no other reports have been written for the same root cause for the last 90 days.
416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.
416.2(b)(2) Walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.
416.2(d) Ventilation: Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
USDA Inspection Report: 01 March 2012
Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.13(b), 416.2(d), 416.4(d)
Citation: At 0600hrs while performing Operation SSOP Review and Observation procedures the following Non-Compliance was observed: The ceiling directly above the start of the of product line #2, the rib line,a span of liquid, beaded condensation was observed. This condensation was a span approximately 5 feet by 30 feet. One person was wiping the condensation when I observed it. The product was directly below the area that was being dried/wiped. The production line was stopped, and approximately 4 people arrived with mops to help dry/wipe the area. At this time there was also condensation observed above product line , round line, on the pipes that are directly above the product. At that time there were no personnel addressing the condensation above line . As a corrective action the condensation was remove in my presence. When the areas were wiped/driedlines #2 were released for production.The production line was stopped for approximately 10 to 12 minutes while the condensation was removed. This represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.2(d), which states, “Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.” This also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(d), which states, “Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at andduring transportation from official establishments.” Finally this also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.13(b), which states, “Each official establishment shall conduct all other procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s at the frequencies specified.” This Non-Compliance was reported to , and . A review of Non-Compliance records for the last 90 days revealed no similar finding with the same root cause.
416.13(b) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall conduct all other procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s at the frequencies specified.
416.2(d) Ventilation: Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 23 February 2012
Code: 01D01
Violation: 416.3(b), 416.4(a)
Citation: 416.1, 416.4(b) On 2/22/2012, at 0620hrs while performing Sanitation Performance Standards procedures the following Non-Compliance was identified: [newline]In the Sales Cooler, near the titration cabinet, I noticed a accumulation of fat trimmings on the floor. This pile of fat was approximately 24 inches by 18 inches and 8 to 10 inches high, half of the accumulation of fat had been driven over by forklift traffic.[newline] I showed ,the accumulation of product and he contacted (PSSI) to come finish cleaning up the product off the floor. [newline]This represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.1, which states,”Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated”. [newline]This also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(b), which states,”Non-food contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product”. [newline]This Non-Compliance was reported to , and . [newline]A review of Non-Compliance records for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.3(b) Equipment and utensils must not be constructed, located, or operated in a manner that prevents FSIS inspection program employees from inspecting the equipment or utensils to determine whether they are in sanitary condition.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 16 February 2012
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.3(b), 416.4(a)
Citation: At 0520hrs while performing Pre-Operational Sanitation procedures in the Fabrication Department the following deficiencies were observed: [newline][newline]A numerous amount for squamous rust covered the cutting boards and product conveyor belt on the Rib line (line 2) in the Fabrication Department. The rust flakes varied in size from 2 cm in diameter to 5mm in diameter, the cutting boards and product conveyor belt had small specks of rust covering them also. [newline][newline]As a corrective action in my presence the rust was removed and the cutting boards and the conveyor belt was rinsed and sanitized. Not only the cutting board mentioned, but all cutting boards in the Fabrication Department were rinsed and sanitized. [newline][newline]Subsequently, at 0545hrs while performing Pre-Operational Sanitation procedures on the equipment/utensils that were to be used in processing for todays production I observed the following deficiency: [newline][newline]I started my inspection with the white barrels and green barrels then proceeded to move to the next equipment/utensils in line for pre-op. As I was inspecting the stainless steel vats. I noticed that 9 white barrels were placed in line behind me, these barrels had not recieved pre-op yet.I proceeded to finish the inspection of the vats. When I turned around 9 white barrels had been taken by establishment employees and were placed along Pack Off line #2 to be used in production. These white barrels had not received the pre-operational sanitation procedures and had not been sanitized. [newline][newline] retrieved the barrels and I inspected the them. Several barrels needed to be rinsed, they had small black particulate material and small pieces of fat in the bottoms,and all the barrels needed to receive sanitizing solution. [newline][newline]This represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(a), which states, “All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product”. [newline][newline]This also represents Non-Compliance with 416.3(b), which states, “Equipment and utensils must not be constructed, located, or operated in a manner that prevents FSIS inspection employees from inspecting the equipment or utensils to determine whether they are in sanitary condition”. [newline][newline]These Non-compliance were reported to and . [newline][newline]After reviewing Non-Compliance records it is revealed that Non-Compliance ECD1810111814N/1 was written for the same root cause.
416.3(b) Equipment and utensils must not be constructed, located, or operated in a manner that prevents FSIS inspection program employees from inspecting the equipment or utensils to determine whether they are in sanitary condition.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 14 February 2012
Code: 01D01
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.4(d)
Citation: At 1000hrs while performing Sanitation Performance Standards (SPS) procedures the following deficiencies were identified:[newline][newline][newline][newline]Beaded droplets of liquid condensation were observed on the carcass rails and the entire ceiling above rails 48 thru 52 was wet with liquid condensation. Each rail of beef carcasses received an U.S. Reject/ U.S. Retain tag, indicating product was to be held for suitable corrective action to be administered by the establishment. [newline][newline][newline][newline]While I was placing the tags on the first carcass of each rail I observed establishment personnel start to wipe the ceiling above the carcasses. The liquid condensation from the ceiling was falling from the ceiling down towards the carcasses hanging below. [newline][newline][newline][newline]These findings represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR416.2(d), which states, “Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided”. [newline][newline][newline][newline]This also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(d), which states, ” Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments”. [newline][newline][newline][newline]These deficiencies were reported to , and .[newline][newline][newline][newline]A review of Non- Compliance records for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.2(d) Ventilation: Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 31 January 2012
Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.13(c), 416.4(a), 416.4(b)
Citation: 416.2(d), 416.4(d) On 01/31/2012, at 0730hrs the following Non-Compliance was observed in the Offal Department: The beam of the offal product chain had beaded droplets of liquid on beam, these droplets were brown in color, and product was passing underneath the droplets. The product chain was stopped immediately to have the droplets removed from the beam. Product that had passed underneath the beamhad already been packaged/bagged, this product was removed from the packaging line. The cooling unit above the Offal product scale had beaded droplets of liquid on the drip pan and on the pipe that exits the drip pan.An establishment employee wiped/dried the drip pan and pipe. After reinspecting the beam and drip pan and finding them both acceptable the Offal product chain was released to be used for production. This represents Non-Compliance with 9 CFR 416.2(d), which states “Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided”. This also represents Non- Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(d), which states, “Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments”. This Non-Compliance was reportto . A review of Non-Compliance records for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.13(c) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 26 January 2012
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.13(c), 416.4(a), 416.4(b)
Citation: At 0545 hrs while performing Pre-operational Sanitation procedures in the Fabrication Department the following Non- Compliances were observed: [newline][newline]Product residue from the prior days production was observed on the white plastic guides for the bottom trim belt in the Fabrication Room. The stainless steel side support frame had several small pieces of fat, 1/4th inch by 1/4th inch in size, between white plastic guide and the stainless steel support. Two pieces of product residue were hanging off the ends of the white plastic guides. These pieces were approximately 1 inch by 3 inches in size. [newline][newline]The carts used for transferring product in the white totes had product residue and fat on the framework and on the surface that the white totes sit on. There were 3 of these carts located near the end of Pack Off line #2, that is where I performed the inspection on the carts. [newline][newline]The above described findings of product residue on food-contact surfaces represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(a), which states, “All food-contact surfaces, including food contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product”. [newline][newline]These findings also represents Non- Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(b), which states, ” Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.” [newline][newline]Finally, this also represents Non-Compliance with GOFER 416.13(c), which states, ” Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.” [newline][newline]As corrective measures the establishment cleaned and sanitized the affected surfaces in my presence. After reinspecting the framework of the carts and of the conveyor and finding them acceptable, I released the carts and conveyor for production. [newline][newline]This Non-Compliance was reported to [newline][newline]A review of Non-Compliance records for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.13(c) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 25 January 2012
Code: 01D01
Violation: 416.1, 416.2(d)
Citation: At approximately 0942 a.m. I observed that the window leading into the offal room directly above that window’s opening had condensation build up. I notified , and informed of this Non- Compliance. There was no product effected and the condensation was removed.[newline][newline]This represent Non- Compliance with 9CFR 416.2(d), which states, “Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.[newline][newline]The preventative measures proffered and employed by the establishment have failed to prevent the recurrence of this finding as Non-Compliance report # ECD041401920N/1 (date 01/20/2012) documented for similar findings.
416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.
416.2(d) Ventilation: Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
USDA Inspection Report: 20 January 2012
Code: 01D01
Violation: 416.2(d)
Citation: At approximately 10:04 a.m. I observed that the window leading into the offal room directly above that window’s opening had condensation build up. I notified the and informed him of this Non-Compliance. There was no product effected and the condensation was removed. This represent Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.2(d), which states, “Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.2(d) Ventilation: Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
USDA Inspection Report: 10 January 2012
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.13(c), 416.4(a), 416.4(b)
Citation: At 0545 hrs while performing Pre-Operational Sanitation procedures in the Fabrication Department the following Non- Compliances were observed: [newline][newline]I observed product residue from the prior days production on the “Thin Meats” table on the south side of Pack Off line #2, this table has raw product commingled on the table. The top of the table had small pieces of fat and meat varying in size from 1/8th to 1/4th inch in diameter. [newline][newline]On the support guides for the product belt of Pack Off line #2, I observed two stretches of guide, approximately 3 feet long, and the second stretch was approximately 2 feet long, that had fat and meat scrap pieces wedged between the guide and the stainless steel side of the conveyor belt frame. These pieces of fat and meat varied in size from 1/8th to 1/2 inch in diameter. The product conveyor belt rides along these guides and product does come in contact with the guides. [newline][newline]The establishment cleaned and sanitized the table, and removed the product residue from the conveyor guides and sanitized the product conveyor belt in my presence. After re-inspecting the table and conveyor and finding them acceptable both were released for use in production. [newline][newline]The above described findings of product residue on food contact surfaces represents Non-Compliance with 9 CFR 416(a), which states, “All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.” [newline][newline]These findings also represent Non-Compliance with 9 CFR 416.4(b), which states, “Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.” [newline][newline]Finally, this also represents Non-Compliance with 9 CFR 416.13(c), which states, “Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.” [newline][newline]This Non-Compliance was reported to ), and ). [newline][newline]The preventative measures proffered and employed by the establishment have failed to prevent the recurrence of this finding as Non-Compliance report # ECD1710012704N/1 (dated 01/04/2012) documented similar findings.
416.13(c) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 04 January 2012
Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.13(b), 416.13(c)
Citation: At 0745hrs while performing Operational Sanitation procedures the following Non-Compliance was observed: [newline][newline]The sanitizer at the start of Line in the Fabrication Department was not being operated at the temperature of degrees. The temperature of degrees is referred to on page of the JBS Tolleson SSOP binder Section VI , Fabrication Operational Sanitation Procedures, Part H, where it says that .[newline][newline] , was notified, and he adjusted the temperature of the sanitizer to return the sanitizer to a acceptable temperature. [newline][newline]This represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.13(b), which states, “Each official establishment shall conduct all other procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s at the frequencies specified”. [newline][newline]This also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.13(c), which states, “Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.”[newline] [newline]This Non- Compliance report was reported to . [newline][newline]A review of Non-Compliance records for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.13(b) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall conduct all other procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s at the frequencies specified.
416.13(c) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
USDA Inspection Report: 14 December 2011
Code: 03C02
Violation: 417.4(a)(2)(i)
Citation: At 0910 hrs while performing a Raw Intact HACCP procedure the following non-compliance was observed:[newline] [newline]As part of the HACCP review procedure I decided to review the establishment’s calibration records. I reviewed two months of records from 10/14/2011 through 12/14/2011. According to JBS- Tolleson’s SOP calibration procedure for the the are held and triggered within 6” of small black metal plate kept in the bottom of the lab refrigerator. The are then checked against a NIST Certified kept in the same location of the refrigerator. The must be within 2 degrees of each other. If any of the are found to be out of tolerance by 2 degrees more or less than the NIST Certified then that is to be taken out of use and sent back to be recalibrated.[newline] [newline]The records indicated 48 separate occurrences in which the designated QC employees had checked the calibration on the and found readings anywhere from 2.5 to 7.0 degrees different from the NIST reference However, in no instance did the records indicate that the establishment followed the SOP procedure by taking the thermometers out of use for recalibration. Thus the establishment failed to follow their calibration procedure which represents non-compliance with 9CFR 417.4(a)(2)(i).[newline][newline] , and ), were informed of the findings. Subsequently I watched perform the procedure. indicated that the need to be within six inches of the black testing plate used in the calibration procedure in order to get an accurate reading, and stated the QCs were not performing this task correctly in that they were not obtaining the reference check temperature with the because they were holding it at variable distances often greater than 6” inches from the black testing plate. In my presence with the procedure performed as written the HACCP plan each of the were accurate within 2 degrees of the NIST Certified [newline] [newline] was notified that they would be issued a Non-Compliance Record.[newline] [newline]FSIS NR records for the past 90 days do not reveal any similar occurrences.
417.4(a)(2) Ongoing verification activities. Ongoing verification activities include, but are not limited to: (i) The calibration of process-monitoring instruments; (ii) Direct observations of monitoring activities and corrective actions; and (iii) The review of records generated and maintained in accordance with § 417.5(a)(3) of this part.
(i) of this section, the number of the official establishment, in the form required by part 312 of this sub chapter; (6) Any other information required by the regulations in this part or part 319 of this sub-chapter
USDA Inspection Report: 08 December 2011
Code: 01D02
Violation: 416.1, 416.13(b)
Citation: At 1100hrs while performing Beef Sanitary Dressing procedures the following Non-Compliance was observed: The establishment employee responsible for operating the 2nd front hock cutter was not immersing the apparatus in approved sanitizer between each carcass. While I was observing the employee perform his duties the following activities occurred: -The employee skipped sterilizing the hock cutter between each carcass. -The sterilizer was not up to prescribed temperature degrees). -The sterilizer,when used, was not properly sanitizing the shank cutter. The production line was stopped and , was informed of the lack of sanitary dressing, sterilizing the hock cutter. The sterilizer was brought up to degrees and the employee was instructed to sanitize between each carcass and the production line was released. On page 18 of the JBS Tolleson SSOP binder Part A-Carcass and other Parts Dressing Procedures, point 8 says “. It is FSIS’s expectation that establishments will slaughter and process cattle in a manner to prevent contamination/cross contamination from occurring at any step in the process. Effective sanitary dressing and process control procedures underpin the critical control points (CCPs) that prevent, eliminate, or reduce to an acceptable level food safety hazards that are reasonably likely to occur in the slaughter process.At this point in the process the shanks have had the hide removed, but hairs,possible fecal/dirt had not been trimmed off the carcasses. The carcasses had not received any antimicrobial interventions at this point in the process. This represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.1, which states,” Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and ensure that product is not adulterated.” This also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.13(b), which states, “Each official establishment shall conduct all other procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s at frequencies specified.” This Non-Compliance was reported to . A review of the Non-Compliance reports for the last 90 days revealed Non-Compliance Record # ECD0017110817N / 1 was written for the same root cause.
416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.
416.13(b) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall conduct all other procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s at the frequencies specified.
USDA Inspection Report: 18 November 2011
Code: 01D02
Violation: 416.1, 416.13(a), 416.4(a), 416.4(b)
Citation: On November 18, during my walk through at start up, I observed that the pieces paper placed across the bung opening on the cows were not preventing the water from the recycling CHAD pre-evis cabinet from entering the cavity of the carcass. I immediately notified . She contacted , who stated he would check into it. Fecal that is around the bung area is being introduced into the cavity of the carcasses. 9 CFR 416.4 (d) states that product should be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage and transportation. No Non-Compliance is the past 90 days for a similar incident.
416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.
416.13(a) Each official establishment shall conduct the pre-operational procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s before the start of operations.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 17 November 2011
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.1, 416.13(a), 416.4(a), 416.4(b)
Citation: At 0715 hrs while performing Pre-operational Sanitation procedures in the Offal Department I observed the following Non- Compliance: [newline][newline]I observed a white barrel, that color barrel is designated for edible product under 30 months, with a sterile blue sheet of plastic sitting on the top of the barrel, On top of that blue plastic was a yellow extension cord. After the removal of the extension cord and the blue bag from the top of the white barrel 6 plastic hand scoops were revealed. These hand scoops are used to apply dry ice and the scoop product into boxes. 3 of these hand scoops were broken and 3 had blood and product residue from the prior days production on them. The hand scoops that were broken had part of the front of the scoops missing and were cracked. The establishment cleaned and sanitized the 3 hand scoop, after re- inspecting the scoops and finding the scoop acceptable, the scoops were released for use in production. The 3 broken hand scoop were disposed of in the trash. [newline][newline]This represents Non-Compliance with;[newline] 9CFR 416.4(a): Food contact surfaces, cleaning & sanitizing as frequency [newline] 9CFR 416.4(b): Non-food contact surface, cleaning & sanitizing [newline] 9CFR 416.1: Operate in manner to prevent insanitary conditions [newline] 9CFR 416.13(a): conduct pre-op procedures [newline][newline]This Non-Compliance was reported to [newline][newline]A review of the Non-Compliance reports for the last 90 days revealed Non-Compliance Record # ECD3114102221N/1 was written for the same root cause.
416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.
416.13(a) Each official establishment shall conduct the pre-operational procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s before the start of operations.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 14 November 2011
Code: 01B01
Violation: 416.1, 416.13(b)
Citation: On November 14th at 0515 while performing pre-op sanitation Task in the Fabracation Department the following non- compliance was observed; directly in the product zone at line #1 conveyer belt there were black specks in a cluster with a diameter of 3′ in length and 3′ in width. This non-compliance was pointed out to and . I notified them of this Non-Compliance record at this time. All surfaces were recleaned sanitized and presented for inspection. This finding represents an SSOP monitoring failure as per 9CFR 416.13(c) which states: “Each offical establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP”. It also represents non-compliance with 9CFR 416.13(c).
416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.
416.13(b) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall conduct all other procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s at the frequencies specified.
USDA Inspection Report: 08 November 2011
Code: 01D02
Violation: 416.1, 416.13(b)
Citation: At 1130 hrs while performing the Beef Sanitary Dressing procedure I observed the sterilizer for the first rodder was not up to the prescribed temperature of degrees. The establishment employee was using the sterilizer even though the sterilizer was not at the proper temperature. The establishment employee was notified by FSIS not to use the sterilizer until the degree temperature was verified. The same establishment employee proceeded to use the cold sterilizer to rod the The production line was stopped immediately, and was alerted to the lack of sanitary dressing, sterilizing the Rod between carcasses.[newline][newline] A record check was performed to verify when the last temperature was obtained on the first rod sterilizer, the check revealed that the only check was performed at 0715 hrs at the start of the production shift.[newline] [newline] It is FSIS’s expectation that establishments will slaughter cattle in a manner to prevent contamination from occurring at any step in the process such as routinely cleaning and sanitizing or sterilizing equipment and hand tools that are used during the process of slaughter.[newline] [newline]This represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.1, which states, “Each official establishment must be operated and maintain in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.” [newline][newline]This also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.13(b), which states, “Each official establishment shall conduct all other procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s at the frequencies specified.” [newline][newline]This Non-Compliance was reported to [newline][newline]A review of Non-Compliance records for the last 90 days revealed no Non-Compliance records were written for the same root cause.
416.1 Each official establishment must be operated and maintained in a manner sufficient to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and to ensure that product is not adulterated.
416.13(b) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall conduct all other procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s at the frequencies specified.
USDA Inspection Report: 31 October 2011
Code: 06D02
Violation: 416.13(c)
Citation: The establishment is required to have an adequate system for the identification of animals passed for slaughter (9 CFR 307.2). This system should include a document to indicate that a group/lot of animals have received ante-mortem (AM) inspection. As described in FSIS Notice 52-09 (dated 8/5/09) this document should include the date of inspection, pen/lot number, class of livestock, time AM inspection was performed and the inspectors signature. Establishment 267 has chosen a “drive card” based record system to meet this requirement. These “drive cards” are completed and signed by the ante-mortem inspector after they have examined a group of animals and approved them for slaughter and then company is to present the cards to the inspectors at the head chain prior to post-mortem (PM) inspection of the lot/group of animals to verify that the animals had AM inspection. At 1030 hrs the inspector at the head chain stopped the line because the drive cards had not yet been presented to the head chain inspectors. Then it was also observed on the “run sheet” (A list of animals in the order that they are presented for inspection) that Lot number 116 initially identified and processed as “Cows” were in fact “Steers”. Also it was noted that the information on the “drive cards” did not accurately represent the information on the “run sheet” making it impossible for the inspector verify the information concerning the animals presented for inspection. In each of the instances above there was sufficient confusion in the presentation of animals for PM to bring into question the adequacy of the system being used to support that the animals being presented for PM were properly identified as required by 9 CFR 307.2. ), Mr. and Mr ) were informed of these findings and all three of them were involved in obtaining the required correct information. A review of the Non-Compliance records for the past 90 days revealed no similar occurances.
416.13(c) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
USDA Inspection Report: 24 October 2011
Code: 01C01
Violation: 416.13(c)
At approimately 0848 while performing a operational task directed procedure on the Fabracation floor at the hind line between line I observed at the reconditioning station sink there were several pieces of product that were being recondition, but the product was not recondition according to the product reconditioning standard operating procedures set forth by the company. I notified the and made him aware of this Non Compliance that had occured and how number 9 of there procedure states there . A review of Non-Compliance records for the last 90 days reveales a similar finding with the same root cause on July 29th Non-Compliance record number 0022-2011-16842.
416.13(c) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
USDA Inspection Report: 21 October 2011
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.4(a), 416.4(b)
At 0655 hrs, while performing Preoperational Sanitation on the Harvest Floor the following Non-Compliance was observed; I observed product residue from the prior days production on the Liver/Heart chute that the livers/hearts slide on to be moved from the viscera table to the liver/heart harvest table where the product is further processed before being put on the chain, prior to the application (CCP OV-1B). This chute had product residue from the prior days production on both ends, where it attaches to the viscera table and where it attaches to the liver/heart harvest bench. This residue was paste-like white in appearance and slimy to the touch. The residue was approxiamately 6 inches by 1 inch in diameter. The harvest bench cutting board had small pieces of fat and rust like looking particles on the surface of the boards. When the cutting boards were removed for cleaning the base of the harvest bench was exposed. The brackets on which the cutting boards rest had a brown/rust looking film of residue on the bottom side of the brackets. While inspecting the trim bench, pieces of product residue from the prior days production were attached to the stainless steel wire basket that the accumulate prior to being trimmed. These pieces were small in diameter approxiamately 1/4 inch in diameter. The small carts that are used to transport the from the viscera table to the trim stand also had small pieces of fat/product residue from the prior days production dried on the carts. The establishment cleaned and sanitzed all the mentioned areas and stands in my presence, after reinspecting the areas and finding the areas acceptable, the areas were released for use in production. This represent Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(a), which states, ” All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product”. This also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(b), which states,” Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product”. This Non-Compliance was reported to . A review of the Non-Compliance reports for the last 90 days revealed Non-Compliance 0029-2011-16842 was written for the same root cause.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 10 October 2011
Code: 04B04
Violation: 316.13
At 1445 hrs, I observed that the establishment was using red barrels that were marked “TRASH” on the side for container to store tracheas prior to packaging them. The establishment employees were then taking the tracheaes out of the “TRASH” barrels, and placing them into boxes and the label of the boxes read “Pharmaceutical Use”. I immediately notified ( and ) of the improper use of the containers. The immediate corrective action was that Mr. had all red barrels that had “TRASH” on the side of them taken off the Harvest Floor. All contents in the barrels were placed in the rending chute. was notified that this Non- Compliance Report will be issued. This represent Non-Compliance with 9 CFR 316.13(f). A review of the Non-Compliance Reports for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
316.13 Marking of outside containers: a) Except as otherwise provided in part 325 of this subchapter, when any inspected and passed product for domestic commerce is moved from an official establishment, the outside container shall bear an official inspection legend as prescribed in part 312 of this subchapter. b) When any product prepared in an official establishment for domestic commerce has been inspected and passed and is enclosed in a cloth or other wrapping, such wrapping shall bear the official inspection legend and official establishment number applied by the approved 21?2-inch rubber brand in the form prescribed in part 312 of this subchapter: Provided, That the rubber brand may be omitted if the official inspection legend and official establishment number on the product itself are clearly legible through the wrapping or the wrapping is labeled in accordance with part 317 of this subchapter: Provided further, That plain unprinted wrappings, such as stockinettes, cheesecloth, paper, and crinkled paper bags, for properly marked products, which are used solely to protect the product against soiling or excessive drying during transportation or storage, need not bear the official inspection legend.
USDA Inspection Report: 08 October 2011
Code: 06D02
Violation: 310.1(b)(2)
At approximately 8:10 am while investigating a report from Inspector of an increased fecal contamination on the evisceration table, I found that the line speed was in excess of that allowable according to 9 CFR 310.1 (b)(iii). Upon my initial check, the line was running COWS at a rate of seconds between the lead shanks of two carcasses. This calculates to head per hour. According to 9 CFR 310.1 (b)(iii) Inspection using a Viscera table, Tongue out presentation for Bulls and Cows are not to exceed 256 head per hour with 3 inspectors at the Head chain, 4 Inspectors at the Evisceration table and 2 Inspectors on the rails. The calculation allowed between lead shanks is 14.08 seconds. I stopped the production chain and rang the bell for a supervisor. Mr arrived. I discussed the line speed with Mr. The line speed was adjusted and I re-started the line. I re-checked the line speed and found it acceptable. I notified and Mr. of the Non-Compliance and informed them that I would be issuing this Non-Compliance Record. A review of the Non-Compliance records for the past 90 days revealed that NR # 0030- 2011-16842 written on August 23, 2011 for a similar occurrence. The company’s VFD’s configuration at the Harvest Floor was either not implemented or ineffective in preventing the line speed to be adjusted beyond the maximum speed allowed for Cows.
310.1(b)(2) Extent and time of postmortem inspection; postmortem inspection staffing standards.: Cattle inspection. For all cattle staffing standards, an ”a” in the ”Number of Inspectors by Stations” column means that one inspector performs the entire inspection procedure and a ”b” means that one inspector performs the head and lower carcass inspection and a second inspector performs the viscera and upper carcass inspection.
USDA Inspection Report: 28 September 2011
Code: 03J02
Violation: 417.2(a)(2)
At 1530 hrs, while performing a HACCP Beef Slaughter Verification task on the Harvest Floor the following Non-Compliance was observed. I observed an establishment employee who was working on the skinning line injecting air into the head of the carcass. The Flow Chart of the HACCP plan does not list this step in the process of the product flow in the establishment. I notified ) and showed him what I had observed, he said that he will investigate to see if it was acceptable to use the air injection on the heads. At approximately 1550hrs, the establishment employee was instructed to stop using the device. This represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 417.2 (a) which indicates, if an establishment uses an air inflation procedures, the flow chart will need to include those procedures. Under the HACCP regulations, establishments are also required to consider whether air inflation may make biological hazards, such as contamination with certain pathogens reasonably likely to occur. This also represents Non-Compliance with 9 CFR 417. (a) 2, which states, “A flow chard describing the steps of each process and product flow in the establishment shall be prepared and the intended use or consumers of the finished product shall be identified” This Non-Compliance was reported to and A review of the Non-Compliance reports for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
417.2(a)(2) Hazard Analysis: A flow chart describing the steps of each process and product flow in the establishment shall be prepared, and the intended use or consumers of the finished product shall be identified.
USDA Inspection Report: 22 September 2011
Code: 06D01
Violation: 310.18, 416.4(d)
At approximately 0730 hrs, while performing PBIS task 06D01, at the Zero Tolerance stand. I observed 11 of 22 carcass halves having rail dust and a black oil substance in the round area of the carcasses. I immediately notified of the presence of rail dust and black oily substance along the inside of the round. immediately located a trim line individual to begin checking and trimming any carcass that demonstrated either of the adulterant materials. At the same time initiated a 10% decrease in line speed for Chain #4. After the initial corrective actions were implemented, requested that the maintenance staff identify the source of the adulterant materials and implement all necessary actions to correct the problem. At 0830 hrs I inspected 22 carcass halves at the Zero Tolerance Inspection stand and found that the carcasses were no longer adulterated with rail dust and black oily substance. At 0845 hrs the line speeds were raised to normal levels and a trim person was present at the Zero Tolerance stand for the remainder on the day. I informed that a Non-Compliance Report would be issued for failure to maintain the requirements of 9CFR 416.4 as defined in Directive 6410.9, Sanitary Dressing Procedures. This represent Non- Compliance with 9CFR 416.4, which states, “Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.” After reviewing the Non- compliance Report records for the last 90 days revealed no Non-compliance Reports were written for the same root cause.
416.4(b) Sanitary Operations: Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
310.18 Contamination of carcasses, organs, or other parts: Carcasses, organs, and other parts shall be handled in a sanitary manner to prevent contamination with fecal material, urine, bile, hair, dirt, or foreign matter; however, if contamination occurs, it shall be promptly removed in a manner satisfactory to the inspector.
USDA Inspection Report: 10 September 2011
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.4(a), 416.4(b)
At 0515 hrs while performing preoperational sanitation (PBIS task 01B02 ) in the Sales Cooler the following Non-Compliances were observed; In the Sales Cooler the ( CCP FA-1) had one piece of rust that was approximately 3 inches by 1 inch in length, there were also small pieces of what appeared to be black grease that varied in size from 1/2 inch to 1and 1/2 inch in diameter on the floor of the cabinet. Three out of four of the stainless steel pillars next to rail 32 had product residue and/or fat smears on them. Since the rail hadn’t been used this morning the small pieces of fat and fat smear had to be from the prior days production. The was re-cleaned and sanitized in my presence. When the floor of the cabinet was sprayed to sanitize the water had a brown/orange tint to the water. The floor had to be rinsed until the water was clear. The pillars were also re-cleaned and sanitized. This represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(a), which states, “All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and adulteration of product”. This also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(b), which states, “Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product”. This Non-Compliance was reported to and ). In a review of Non-Compliance records for the last 90 days reveals NR 31-2011 was written for similar root causes. Past Similar NRs – Previous Ineffective Plant Actions: monitoring NR: 31-2011 dated 9/9/2011
416.4(b) Sanitary Operations: Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(a) Sanitary Operations: All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 09 September 2011
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.4(b)
At 0515 hrs while performing preoperational sanitation (PBIS task 01B02 ) in the Sales Cooler the following Non-Compliance was observed; In the Sales Cooler next to the (CCP FA-1) I opened a small door that is positioned between the and the wall of the cooler and observed squeegees with product residue on them, a red shovel with product residue ( fat smears that were on both sides of the scoop that were approximately 6 inches by 12 inches) on the shovel. There was standing water on the floor, the water was approximately 1 to 2 inches deep and was black in appearance. There was also pieces of fat and meat scraps floating in the water. On the walls and pillars of this compartment there was a blackish/brown film. On top of the I noticed another dirty shovel that seemed to be in the same condition as the shovel noted early in this Non-Compliance Report. Also on top of the cabinet black rags were found. This represent Non-Compliance 9CFR 416.4(b), which states, “Non-food contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product”. This Non-Compliance was reported to ). A review of Non-Compliance reports for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.4(b) Sanitary Operations: Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 23 August 2011
Code: 06D02
Violation: 310.1(b)(2)
On August 22, 2011 at 4:00 pm, I checked the line speed at the evisceration table and found it to be in excess of that allowable according to the regulation. Upon my initial check, the establishment was running steers at seconds between carcasses and upon a second check there was seconds between carcasses. According to 9 CFR 310.1(B)(iii) Inspection using a Viscera Table, Tongue out presentation: For Steers and Heifers: 275 head per hour with 3 inspectors at the head chain, 4 inspectors at the table and 2 inspectors at the rail the line is to run with 13.10 seconds between carcasses. I, immediately , stopped the line and rang the bell for a supervisor. Mr. arrived. I discussed the line speed with Mr. , and he called Mr. . I restarted the line, the speed was adjusted. I checked the speed and found it at which is acceptable. I notified Mr. and Mr. of the Non-Compliance and informed them that I would be issuing this Non-Compliance Record. A review of the records for the past 90 days revealed no similar incidences.
310.1(b)(2) Extent and time of post-mortem inspection; post-mortem inspection staffing standards.: Cattle inspection. For all cattle staffing standards, an ”a” in the ”Number of Inspectors by Stations” column means that one inspector performs the entire inspection procedure and a ”b” means that one inspector performs the head and lower carcass inspection and a second inspector performs the viscera and upper carcass inspection.
USDA Inspection Report: 22 August 2011
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.4(b)
At 0530 while performing an 01B02 preoperational sanitation at the wash in the sales cooler, The following non-compliance was observed in the wash; pieces of fat and residue through out the entire wash on both sides; inside along the walls on both sides. These pieces of fat varied in sizes from 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch in diameter; When arrived, I informed them of my findings, also Ms. observed what I had found. I notified them that a non-compliance would be issued. The wash was cleaned and inspected prior to being release for production. Past Similar NRs – Previous Ineffective Plant Actions: SSOP monitoring failure NR: 27-2011 dated 8/19/2011; NR: 25-2011 dated 8/17/2011
416.4(b) Sanitary Operations: Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 19 August 2011
Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.13(b), 416.2(d), 416.4(d)
At 1455 hrs while performing operational sanitation inspection ( PBIS task 01C02) the following deficiency was observed in the Carcass Cooler; Beaded droplets of liquid condensation was observed on the ceiling, beams, and pipes above rails 104 thru 106. The establishment employee were loading these rail with carcasses while Refrigeration employees were wiping the condensation from the affected area. The inlet chain for the carcass cooler was stopped immediately , I informed what had happened. As corrective measures the establishment decided to start filling another set of rails that did not have condensation above them. I placed a US Retained tag on the first carcass of rails 104 thru 106.US retain tag number B38346796 on rail 104, tag number B38346797 on rail 105, and tag number B38346798 on rail 106. Food Safety applied hold tags on these rails also. These carcasses will receive reprocessing in the sales cooler. The reprocessing includes reapplication of and trimming as needed. These findings represent non-compliance with 9CFR 416.2(d), which states, “Ventilation adequate to control odor, vapor, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of the product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.” These findings also represent non-compliance with 9CFR 416.4(d), which states, “Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.” These findings also represents non-compliance 9CFR 416.13(b), indicated, allowing the carcasses to be contaminated by loading them into rails that already had condensation present is not acceptable. , was notified of this non-compliance report. A review of non- compliance records reveals that NR 16-2011 which had the same root cause.
416.13(b) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall conduct all other procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s at the frequencies specified.
416.2(d) Establishment grounds and facilities: Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.4(d) Sanitary operations: Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 17 August 2011
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.13(c), 416.14
On August 17, 2011, while performing 01B02, Pre-Operational Sanitation, the following regulatory non-compliances were observed: 1. The houseing for the #2 well saw in the breaking room had many (8-10) small pieces of meat scraps from the previous day’s production at the point where the blade should be inserted. 2. Meat scraps, grease and black specks on the #1 belt in the processing room. 3. Numerous black specks (black snow) on ALL the belts and cutting boards. 4. Housing for the on #2 table had grease and meat scraps from the previous day’s production on the on and off slide. All of these issues were pointed out to and . Mr. was informed that these issues would be addressed on a Non-Compliance record. All of the surfaces were re- cleaned, sanitized and presented for inspection. All were found acceptable and released to production. This finding represents an SSOP monitoring failure as per 9 CFR 416.13 (c) which states: “Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP”. It also represents non-compliance with 9 CFR 416.4 (a) which states: ” All food contact surfaces, including food contact surfaces of equipment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.” A review of the Non- Compliance Records for the past 90 days revealed similar findings with the same root cause. NR#0014-2011-16842 written June 2, 2011 which addressed the failure to monitor equipment for cleanliness during establishment pre-oprational sanitation inspection. Past Similar NRs – Previous Ineffective Plant Actions: failure to monitor equipment for cleanliness during establishment pre-operational sanitation inspection. NR: 14-2011 dated 6/2/2011
416.13(c) Implementation of SOP’s: Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
416.14 Maintenance of Sanitation SOP’s: Each official establishment shall routinely evaluate the effectiveness of the Sanitation SOP’s and the procedures therein in preventing direct contamination or adulteration of product(s) and shall revise both as necessary to keep them effective and current with respect to changes in facilities, equipment, utensils, operations, or personnel.
USDA Inspection Report: 16 August 2011
Code: 01C01
Violation: 416.15(a)
At 0840 hrs while performing PBIS task 01C01 the following deficiency was observed; Quality Assurance personnel was observed performing the corrective actions of spraying _____ on carcasses the had been tagged by Food Safety personnel for having condensation above the carcasses in the Carcass Cooler. While performing direct observation of the corrective action the Quality Assurance employee was observed spraying only the leading half of the carcass, not spraying the both sides of the carcass. The production line in the Sales Cooler was stopped and _____________________was notified of the deviation in the procedure. The written corrective action indicates that the carcasses will be sprayed with _______ not just the leading side of the carcasses. The Quality Assurance employee failed to properly perform the corrective action procedure. This represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.15(a), which states,” Each official establishment shall take appropriate corrective action(s) when either the establishment or FSIS determines that the establishment’s Sanitation SOP’s or the procedures specified therein, or the implementation or maintenance of the Sanitation SOP’s, may have failed to prevent direct contamination or adulteration of product(s).” To correct the procedure ______ added an additional employee to spray _______ to the trailing side of the carcasses. At this time the production line was restarted. ___________ was informed that the Non-Compliance report would be written. A review of Non-Compliance records for the past 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.15(a) Corrective Action: Each official establishment shall take appropriate corrective action(s) when either the establishment or FSIS determines that the establishment’s Sanitation SOP’s or the procedures specified therein, or the implementation or maintenance of the Sanitation SOP’s, may have failed to prevent direct contamination or adulteration of product(s).
USDA Inspection Report: 2 August 2011
Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.14
While performing a 01C02 operational sanitation procedure, I observed the processing belt in the fabrication department at the west end south side had multiple grease smears directly in the product zone. The area of grease smears ranged in sizes from 10 inches in length and 2 inches in width. I notified ____, and informed him about the grease in the product zone. Mr.____ immediately stopped the chain cleaned and sanitized the belt. No product was affected, once the belt was resanitized, I inspected the area and allowed production to resume. 9 CFR 416.4(a) states that all food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product. I notified Mr.____ that I would be issuing an N R to document this Non-Compliance. A review of Non-Compliance record for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with same root.
416.14 Maintenance of Sanitation SOP’s.
Each official establishment shall routinely evaluate the effectiveness of the Sanitation SOP’s and the procedures therein in preventing direct contamination or adulteration of product(s) and shall revise both as necessary to keep them effective and current with respect to changes in facilities, equipment, utensils, operations, or personnel.
USDA Inspection Report: 1 August 2011
Code: 06D01
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.4(d)
At 0945 hrs while performing PBIS task 06D01 the following deficiency also observed: The rail between the hot water carcass rinse cabinet and the cold water carcass rinse cabinet had condensation build up on the bottom of the rail. This condensation was seen dripping from the rail. The production line was stopped and ____, was informed of the problem. This represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.2(d), which states, ” Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.” This also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(d), which states,” Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.” As corrective action in my presence the rail was wiped dry, and the fan that was is place to prevent the build up of condensation was plugged in. ____ was informed of the Non-Compliance Report would be written. A review of Non-Compliance records for the past 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 29 July 2011 (2)
Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.13(c)
While performing a 01C02 operational sanitation procedure in back pack off area at approximately 1312 I observed at the reconditioning station sink there were three pieces of product that had not been recondition. I notified ____ of the pack off area, the Non-Compliance that having multiple pieces of product on the reconditioning table at one time is in violation of the companies Product Reconditioning Standard Operating Procedure. Number 9 of this procedure states ____. Company personnel was allowed to complete the reconditioning of the product at the reconditioning table, and the product was rework and sprayed with ____ and returned back to production. A review of Non-Compliance record for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with same root cause.
416.13(c) Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
USDA Inspection Report: 29 July 2011
Code: 06D01
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.4(d)
At 0855 hrs while performing PBIS task 06D01 the following deficiencies were found; The rail that supports the chain which the heart, livers and are hung to proceed thru the CCP OV-1B, had condensation dripping off the rail. It was also observed that the condensation had a brown rust color in appearance. After further investigation small pieces of rust was observed in the bottom of the These pieces of rust were approximately a 1/8th inch by 1/4 inch in diameter. This represents Non-Compliance with 9 CFR 416.2(d), which states,” Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.” This also represents Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(d), which states, “Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.” The chain was stopped immediately and was notified of the Non-Compliance. As a immediate corrective action the rail was wiped to remove the condensation, and a fan was installed to help reduce the build up of condensation. The establishment retained 13 boxes of hearts and 20 boxes of liver, this product was reworked and repackaged. A review of Non-Compliance records for the past 90 days revealed no similar finding with the same root cause.
416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 27 July 2011
Code: 06D02
Violation: 310.2
310.2 At 0815 hrs while performing PBIS task 06D02 the following deficiency was identified: It was noticed that a steer carcass (Blood Tag 003) in the Final Rail reconditioning area was identified by establishment employees as over 30 months of age, and marked accordingly. To verify that the establishment was following its Standard Operating Procedure (SOP’s) to ensure the proper segregation and disposition of the BSE Specified Risk Materials from this animal, I proceeded to the head harvest area to follow the harvest of the head, as to verify. that the head was proper labeled as being from an animal greater than 30 months of age and verify proper procedures were followed in the harvesting the usable tissues from the head. According to the establishment’s BSE SRM program only certain head muscle meat, cheek meat and tongue are harvested from cattle 30 months of age or greater. Specifically the establishment has decided not to harvest the “crown” head meat from such cattle because the proximity of this meat to the foramen magnum (the opening of the skull where the brain exits the skull as the spinal cord), which increases the risk of cross contamination with brain or spinal cord material. Additionally once the appropriate tissues have been harvested from such animal’s skulls, the skull is split and the brain removed and placed into designated container for CMPAF (Cattle Material Prohibited For use in Animal Feed) and sent to a landfill while the remaining skull (bones and soft tissues) goes to inedible rendering. Upon arriving at the split table I observed that the head split table had not been used yet during production. I investigated the “condemned” head rack to see if the head was being stored there so that the head could be split and have the SRM removed at a later time. At this time I notified of the potential problem, and asked for a explanation. She stated the blue tag that was supposed to attached to the head with a deadlock must have fallen off and the head must have been treated as a steer head. The crown meat, tongue, and cheek meat were all harvested and placed in white barrels which indicates the product is under 30 months of age. The skull was not split and the brain had in fact been sent to inedible rendering with the SRM still intact The fact that the establishment failed in this instance to properly maintain the identity of the carcasses and its parts until it has passed inspection is the justification for this Non-Compliance being issued. This represents Non-Compliance with 9 CFR 310.2, which indicates the establishment must maintain the identity of all carcasses and parts until it has passed inspection. This also represents Non-Compliance with 9 CFR 310.22(e)(2), which states, “Establishments that slaughter cattle and establishments that process the carcasses or parts of cattle must take appropriate corrective action when either the establishment or FSIS determines that the establishment’s procedures for removal, segregation, and disposition of specified risk materials, or the implementation or maintenance of such procedures, have failed to ensure that such material are adequately and effectively removed from the carcass of cattle, segregated from edible materials, and disposed of in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.” This Non-Compliance was reported the , A review of Non-Compliance records for the past 90 days reveals no similar finding with the same root cause.
310.2 Identification of carcass with certain severed parts thereof and with animal from which derived.
USDA Inspection Report: 26 July 2011
Code: 03J02
Violation: 417.6
Note: The USDA did not supply a text version of the inspection report, so we were forced to present it as an image, but at least it shows how much of the report they redacted.

417.6 Inadequate HACCP Systems.
A HACCP system may be found to be inadequate if:
(b) Establishment personnel are not performing tasks specified in the HACCP plan;
USDA Inspection Report: 28 June 2011
Code: 06D02
Violation: 307.2
On June 28, 2011, at approximately 10:45am, the head chain was stopped by USDA inspector because the Establishment had failed to present a “drive card” to indicate that the animals on the line assigned to the Lot number 222 had received ante mortem inspection. , was called and the situation was explained to her. The paperwork at the head station that contains the printed drive cards displayed Lot number 222 as Landon Ranch Cows. There were no Landon Ranch Cows on the “kill Sheet”. At the time the original drive cards were presented to SCSI it was discovered that #222 was not indicated on any card. The information on the kill sheet stated that lot #223 contained 22 head of Cows but the corresponding drive card indicated that there were 34 steers in that particular lot. There were 2 (two) cards that displayed Lot #224. Lot card #225 displayed “JBS” as the origin but on the “kill sheet” Lot #225 was identified as Fresno. That the information was inaccurate on the drive cards violates 9 CFR 307.2 (a), which indicates that the establishments must provide an adequate system for the identification of animals. Establishment identification cards are commonly used. They are referred to by plant personnel as “pen cards” or “drive cards”. These “drive cards” are presented at the head chain to indicate to the head inspector that the animals had received ante mortem inspection. The “kill sheet” is a printed organized list of the animals as they are presented for post mortem inspection. This Non-Compliance was reported to Mr. . A review of the Non-Compliance Records for the last 90 days revealed NR #0012-2011-16842 that identified incorrect information applied to a drive card.
307.2 Other facilities and conditions to be provided by the establishment.
When required by the circuit supervisor, the following facilities and conditions, and such others as may be found to be essential to efficient conduct of inspection and maintenance of sanitary conditions, shall be provided by each official establishment:
(a) Satisfactory pens, equipment, and assistants for conducting ante-mortem inspection and for separating, marking and holding apart from passed livestock those marked ‘‘U.S. suspect’’ and those marked ‘‘U.S. condemned’’ (pens, alleys, and runways shall be paved, drained, and supplied with adequate hose connections for cleanup purposes);
USDA Inspection Report: 18 June 2011
Code: 06D02
Violation: 310.3
At 0900 hours online inspection observed that a head was presented for inspection without a tongue present. It was also noted by online inspection that there was not a Blood identification number associated with the previous mentioned head. Upon further inspection by online personnel and CSI____ it was noted that there were 3 consecutive heads presented for inspection were without Blood identification numbers. CSI____ requested clarification from ____ as to which numbers belonged to the head that was missing the tongue. ____ was unable to adequate determine which numbers belonged to the 3 consecutive heads without blood tage identification. Dr.____ reviewed the carcass identification problems and determined that all 3 carcasses associated with the loss of identification be placed under regulator control and railed out for Veterinary disposition. No pathological lesions were observed by Dr.____. Therefore the 3 carcasses were passed for further processing. The heads, offal, and tongues were condemned at the time of veterinary disposition. ____ was not able to produce the tongue that was associated with the head #373. This finding represents non-compliance with 9CFR 310.3, which states (see below). This non-compliance was reported to ____ and ____. A review of non-compliance records for 90 days reveals no similar findings with the same root cause.
310.3 Carcasses and parts in certain instances to be retained. Each carcass, including all detached organs and other parts, in which any lesion or other condition is found that might render the meat or any part unfit for food purposes, or otherwise adulterated, and which for that reason would require a subsequent inspection, shall be retained by the Program employee at the time of inspection. The identity of every such retained carcass, detached organ, or other part shall be maintained until the final inspection has been completed. Retained carcasses shall not be washed or trimmed unless authorized by the Program employee.
USDA Inspection Report: 8 June 2011
Code: 06D01
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.4(d)
At 1124 hrs while performing PBIS 06D01 the following deficiencies were identified; Beaded droplets of liquid condensation were observed on the beams, rails and ceiling of the entrance of the carcass cooler. Carcasses had been passing thru this area with the condensation being present. The inlet chain for the carcass cooler was stopped immediately, and I informed of the Non-compliance. As corrective measures the establishment had maintenance personnel wipe the affected areas. After inspecting the area and finding the area acceptable, the area was released for production at 1135hrs. Food Safety applied hold tags on rails 109 to 114, the carcasses on these rails will receive reprocessing in the sales cooler. The reprocessing includes reapplication of and carcass trimming as needed. There were 144 carcasses affected by the deficiency. The last check made by Food Safety personnel for condensation was at 1105hrs, all carcasses between that time and the time of the non-compliance were identified for reprocessing. These findings represent non-compliance with 9CFR 416.2(d), which states “Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of the product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided”. Theses finding also represent non-compliance with 9 CFR 416.4(d), which states, “Product must be protected form adulteration during processing, handling, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments”. was notified of this Non-compliance Record. A review of Non-compliance Record for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 4 June 2011
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.13(a), 416.4(a), 416.4(b)
At 0535hrs while performing preoperational sanitation inspection (PBIS task 01B02) the following deficiency was observed in the Fabrication Department; While inspecting the Bone in Hind Shank chute I observed product residue on the chute, the smear of product residue was approximately 5 inches in width and 7 inches in length. The product residue varied in thickness from 1/8th inch to 1/2 inch. The Bone in Hind Shank chute has a spring loaded stainless steel product deflector that ensure that the shanks will stay within the chute. The deflector also had product residue on its food contact surface, in a smear that mirrored that found on the food contact surface of the chute. As corrective measures the chute and deflector were cleaned and sanitized in my presence, after reinspecting the chute and finding the cleaning of the chute acceptable, I released the chute for production. This non-compliance was reported to . Subsequently at 0630hrs while performing preoperational sanitation inspection (PBIS task 01B02) the following deficiencies were observed in the Slaughter Department; While inspecting the Final Rail area it was observed that both chutes located on the high trim stand that are used for separating tails from over 30 months and under 30 months had not been cleaned. Each chute had multiple pieces of dried product residue, (i.e. meat and fat) that were approximately a quarter in size. The lights that are located on the base of the low trim stand had a greenish/brown film, consistent with mold, on the inside of the clear plastic fixtures that are designed to protect the light bulbs from directly contacting the front shanks of the carcasses. One of these clear plastic fixtures had a crack in it. As corrective measures the chutes and the light fixture were cleaned and sanitized. The other fixture with a crack in it was replaced. This non-compliance was reported to . A review of Non-Compliance records for the last 90 days revealed similar findings with the same root cause. This NR is linked to NR 0014-2011-16842 (issued 6/2/2011) which was issued for similar cause (i.e. product residue). Past Similar NRs – Previous Ineffective Plant Actions: Failure to monitor equipment for cleanliness during the establishments preoperational sanitation inspection. NR: 14-2011 dated 6/2/2011
416.13(a) Each official establishment shall conduct the pre-operational procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s before the start of operations.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 2 June 2011
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.13(a), 416.4(a)
At 0645 hrs while performing preoperational sanitation inspection (PBIS procedure 01B02) in the Slaughter Department the following regulatory non-compliance was identified: A scrap of greenish white omasum approximately 2 x 2 inches was found lodged into a corner of the product exit chute from the omasum cleaner. This surface of the washer exit is a food contact surface. As corrective measures an establishment employee dislodged the scrap of tissue, cleaned the now exposed surface and sanitized it in my presence. The area was then released for production. This finding represents an SSOP monitoring failure as per 9 CFR 416.13(c) which states: “Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP.” It also represents non-compliance with 9 CFR 416.4(a) which states: “All food contact surfaces, including food contact surfaces of equipment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.” ____ was present when this finding was observed. It also was reported to ____
416.13(a) Each official establishment shall conduct the pre-operational procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s before the start of operations.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 31 May 2011
Code: 06D01
Violation: 416.4(a), 416.4(b), 416.4(d)
At 0545hrs while performing PBIS task 06D01 the following deficiency was observed: Product residue was observed on the rails and braces of the portable trimming stand in the sales cooler. Product residue was also observed on the grating which personnel stand on to trim the carcasses and on the base of the stand also. The product residue including fat and meat pieces were approximately 1/2 inch by 1 inch on various places on the rails and braces, and approximately 1/2 inch by 1 and 1/2 inches in length on the grating and the base. A U.S. Rejected/Retained tag number B39062705 was attached to the stand. These findings represent non-compliance with 9CFR 416.4(a), which states “All food contact surfaces, including food contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.” These findings also represent non-compliance with 9CFR 416.4(b) and 416.4(d), which states ” Non-food contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.” “Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.” As corrective measure the trim stand was cleaned and sanitized in my presence. After reinspecting the trim stand and finding the cleaning of the stand acceptable, I released the stand for use in production. This non-compliance was reported to . A review of Non-Compliance record for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 27 May 2011
Code: 06D02
Violation: 307.2
At 0820, Dr. was performing Ante Mortem inspection and the following deficiency was observed: Dr. was given a “pen card” for pen 8, he proceeded to the pen to perform Ante Mortem inspection. The “pen card” stated that 4 animals were to obtain Ante Mortem, when Dr. arrived at the pen only 3 animals were present. The inaccurate count of the number of animals in the pen according to the number of animals on the “pen card” violates 9 CFR 307.2(a), which indicates that establishments must provide an adequate system for the identification of animals. Establishment identification cards are commonly used. They are referred to by plant personnel as “pen cards” or “drive cards.” These must be presented to the inspector before ante mortem inspection is performed. The purpose of these cards is to account for all animals in the pen prior to ante mortem inspection, to ensure that every animal that comes to slaughter has received ante mortem inspection. There are spaces on the pen card for the date, the pen number and lot number, the species, the breed, the number of animals, the inspector’s signature, and the time of day the animals were inspected. It is the responsibility of the plant to provide adequate, competent employees to move, segregate, identify and dispose of animals, that is also indicated in 9 CFR 307.2. The Agency’s authority for conducting ante mortem inspection can be traced to the statues. The authority for conducting ante mortem inspection in livestock is found in 21 U.S. Code, Chapter 12, Section 603, of the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA). This Non-Compliance was reported to by Dr.____ A review of Non-Compliance Records for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the root cause.
307.2 Other facilities and conditions to be provided by the establishment.
When required by the circuit supervisor, the following facilities and conditions, and such others as may be found to be essential to efficient conduct of inspection and maintenance of sanitary conditions, shall be provided by each official establishment:
USDA Inspection Report: 16 May 2011
Code: 06D01
Violation: 416.4(d)
On Friday, May 13, Inspector notified me that he had placed a US Retain/Reject tag #B39037676 on the chute that drops cow tails into a barrel just below the high rail inspection station on Thursday, May 12. This chute has recently been installed and it was observed by Insp.____ that water from the trimmer’s was area was falling into the barrel. It was pointed out to a line foreman by Insp.____ that the weld was not complete enough to keep the water from the sink, catwalk and off pipes from running into the product barrel. Insp. notified the of the situation and offered him time to allow maintenance to repair the newly built chute. Upon arriving to work on May 13, Insp observed that the tag had been removed and the condition of the chute had not been addressed. At this time, Inspector placed another US Retain/Reject tag # B39062947 onto the chute for the same purpose. On Monday, May 16, 2011, Inspector observed that the tag had once again been removed without repair to the chute, nor any changes made to the area. This observation was reported to both Mr.____ and Mr.____ and Mr.____ were notified of the noncompliance and was verbal notified of this Noncompliance Record. That the establishment cannot maintain the security of a US retain/reject tag until proper corrections have been made on a particular piece e of equipment or area in the facility violates 9 CFR 416.6, which states: When an FSIS program employee finds that any equipment , utensil room or compartment at an official establishment is insanitary or that its use could cause the adulteration of product, he will attach to it a US rejected tag. Equipment, utensils, rooms or compartments so tagged cannot be used until made acceptable. Only an FSIS program employee may remove a US Rejected tag. A review of the Non-Compliance records for the past 90 days reveals no similar incidences.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 7 April 2011
Code: 06D01
Violation: 310.18(a), 416.4(d)
As a part of procedure 06D01, I observed the sanitary dressing procedures of the harvest of large intestine. Once separated from the other viscera, the harvested large intestine is rinsed , cut into specific lengths, placed in a vat of ice water to chill before pieces are bulk packaged in a plastic lined box. I observed as a company employee remove pieces of large intestine from the vat of ice water and place them on the work table in front of her. I continued to watch as the employee grasped the large intestine to remove the fat from the product. Upon closer observation, I noted that the fat being removed contained visible greenish brown, plant-like fibrous material consistent with fecal material. The trimmed product was placed in stacks which were covered with plastic and placed in a box as final packaged product. I did not observe the company employee wash her hands between handling the pieces of fecal contaminated product. There was no hot water or hand washing facilities in the immediate area. To further examine the process, I then removed 12 pieces of large intestine from the vat of ice water located prior to the employee mentioned above. I found that the fat on all but 2 of the pieces of intestine were contaminated with the same fibrous greenish brown plant-like material consistent with fecal material. I placed US Retain/Reject tag#B39036268 on all of the boxes of large intestine harvested since the beginning of the day’s production. I notified ) and ), of my findings. The Company decided to halt the harvest of the large intestine product until an investigation could be performed to verify that the product was being appropriately harvested. Mr) was notified that a non-compliance record (NR) would be issued. The Company’s HACCP plan for Offal and Variety Meats does not recognize any physical, biological or chemical hazards as likely to occur during the harvest of the large intestine. There is no written SOP that documents the procedure for the harvest, cleaning and packaging of the large Intestines. That the product was not clean and was handled in an insanitary manner which likely resulted in cross-contamination of the product represents regulatory non-compliance of 9 CFR 416.4(d) and 310.18(a). A review of the Non-Compliance Records for the past 90 days revealed no occurrence of a similar incident.
310.18(a) Carcasses, organs, and other parts shall be handled in a sanitary manner to prevent contamination with fecal material, urine, bile, hair, dirt, or foreign matter; however, if contamination occurs, it shall be promptly removed in a manner satisfactory to the inspector.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 1 April 2011
Code: 01C02
Violation: 416.13(c), 416.4(a)
At 545hrs while performing PBIS task 06D01 the following deficiency was found pertaining to an Food Contact Surface; Product residue from the prior days production was identified on the scissor shackle used for reprocessing/training next to line in the Fabrication Department. The shackle had product residue (fat and meat pieces) smeared on the forks that suspends the round for trimming. The smears ranged in size from 1 1/4 inches long and 1/2 inch width, covering 3 of the 4 forks. A USDA Reject/Retain tag # 40272463 was attached to the scissor shackle to inform the establishment that the use of this shackle would not be permitted. Product was not present at the time. This finding represents non-compliance with 9CFR 416.4(a), which states “All food-contacts surfaces, including food contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product”. This finding also represents non-compliance with 9CFR 416.13(c), which states “Each official establishments shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s”. As corrective measures the scissor shackle was cleaned and sanitized in my presence. After reinspecting the shackle and finding it acceptable, I released the shackle for use at 0600hrs. This non-compliance was reported to , and ). A review of Non-Compliance record for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.13(c) Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 22 Mar 2011
Code: 06D01
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.4(d)
At 0600 hrs while performing PBIS task 06D01 the following deficiency was identified; Beaded droplets of condensation and ice was observed on the pipes in the hallway between the Box Cooler and the Sales Cooler. This hallway is frequently used by forklift drivers with combos of product and boxed product on the way to the loading dock doors. The area was taped off to stop any foot traffic and forklift traffic from passing thru the area. A USDA Reject/Retain tag # B38567983 was attached to the tape securing the area. Product was not present at the time. This finding represents non-compliance with 9CFR 416.2(d), which states “Ventilation adequate to control odor, vapor, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.” This finding also represents non-compliance with 9CFR 416.4(d), which states, “Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.” As corrective measures the pipes were wiped and dried in my presence. After reinspecting the pipes and finding them acceptable, I released the area for traffic at 0615hrs. This non-compliance was reported to ) and ). A review of Non-Compliance record for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 21 February 2011
Code: 06D01
Violation: 416.2(b)(2), 416.2(d), 416.4(d)
416.2(b)(2), 416.2(d), 416.4(d) At 0515 hrs while performing PBIS task 06D01 the following deficiencies were identified: Beaded droplets of condensation were observed on the beams and rails above rails 12, 13, and 14 in the sales cooler. The beads of condensation were observed falling from the beams to the floor. Product was not present in the area at the time. The area was taped off to stop carcasses from entering the area. Upon further investigation it was revealed that the drip pans did not have hoses connected to them to direct the water to the drains. Instead the water from the drip pans was allowed to drain straight down on the beams and rails. Beaded droplets of water were also observed above the scale in the carcass breaking room of Fabrication. Water droplets were observed falling from cracks in the ceiling above the scale. There were no carcasses in the area at the time of the deficiency was observed. As corrective measures the establishment installed plastic under the drip pans and in the carcass breaking room to divert the water to the drains and away from the carcasses. The establishment also wiped and dried the affected areas, rinsed and sanitized the food contact surfaces of the breaking room. After inspecting the area and finding the area acceptable, the area was released for production at 0630 hrs. These findings represent non-compliance with 9CFR 416.2(b), which states, “Wall, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.” These findings also represent non-compliance with 9CFR 416.2(d), which states “Ventilation adequate to control odor, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.” These findings also represent non-compliance with 9CFR 416.4(d), which states, “Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.” This Non-Compliance was reported to ) and ). A review of Non-Compliance Record for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.2(b)(2) Walls, floors, and ceilings within establishments must be built of durable materials impervious to moisture and be cleaned and sanitized as necessary to prevent adulteration of product or the creation of insanitary conditions.
416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 11 February 2011 (3)
Code: 03J02
Violation: 417.5(c)
At approximately 1400 hours on 02/11/2011 during the performance of a 03J02 PBIS Task, I, CSI, reviewed the Pre-Shipment Review for 02/10/2011 slaughter production. The Pre-Shipment Review had been signed by Mr.____ and certified that all HACCP Records for this lot had been completed and recorded. Upon review, it was found that the records for CCP SL 3-B had not been recorded as completed during the hours of 09:10-11:01. This was not observed during the Pre-Shipment Review Process. Dr.____ was informed that a Noncompliance Record would be issued to document the failure of Pre-Shipment Review to identify missing results. -USDA Regulation 417.5(c) indicates that the establishment will review the records associated with HACCP Plan including the determination that all critical limits were met prior to shipment of product. The missing results on CCP SL 3B between 09:01-11:01 hours were not identified or corrective action taken when Pre-Shipment Review was performed. -A record review of previous Pre-Shipment Review associated Records from 01/24/11 to 02/10/11 found no other missing documentation. -A review of previously written Noncompliance Records found none related to record review noncompliance.
417.5(c) Prior to shipping product, the establishment shall review the records associated with the production of that product, documented in accordance with this section, to ensure completeness, including the determination that all critical limits were met and, if appropriate, corrective actions were taken, including the proper disposition of product. Where practicable, this review shall be conducted, dated, and signed by an individual who did not produce the record(s), preferably by someone trained in accordance with § 417.7 of this part, or the responsible establishment official.
USDA Inspection Report: 11 February 2011 (2)
Code: 03J02
Violation: 417.5(b)
03J02 417.5(b) -At approximately 1400 hours on 02/11/2011, I , CSI, elected to perform an 03J02 PBIS Task as directed by PBIS System. After verifying that a Pre-Shipment Review had been performed and documented with a signature, I chose to use the record-keeping component to verify Lot.021011 with Upon reviewing CCP SL-3B records, it was identified that there was no record of a monitoring check being performed between 9:12 and 11:01 on 02/10/2011. Insp. explained to Ms.____ that a Noncompliance Record would be written to document the CCP deficiency. Later, Mr. ____ communicated by telephone that QA Personnel stated that the task had been performed by a QA Technician, but not recorded. Mr. ____ explained that additional training would be conducted for the QA personnel involved. -USDA Regulation 417.5(b) states that an entry should be made at time the specific event occurs and include the time, date and initials of employee making the entry. This did not occur on this HACCP Record during this time period. -A review of previous records for CCP SL-3B from 01/24/11 to 02/10/11 found no other entries missing or incomplete. -A review of previously written NR’s in the last 90 days found none identifying HACCP monitoring deviations.
417.5(b) Each entry on a record maintained under the HACCP plan shall be made at the time the specific event occurs and include the date and time recorded, and shall be signed or initialed by the establishment employee making the entry.
USDA Inspection Report: 11 February 2011
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.13(a), 416.4(a), 416.4(b)
At 0530 hrs while performing preoperational sanitation inspection (PBIS procedure 01B02) in the Fabrication Department the following deficiencies were observed: Fat build up and product residue from the previous days production were found on the white plastic support framing of the trim belt for the top trim line conveyor. There was also product residue (fat and meat pieces) on the stainless steel frame side shields that contact the belt of the conveyor. These pieces of fat and meat varied in size from 1/2 to 2 inches long, fat and product residue were smeared along the stainless steel frame side shields in several places for 1 to 2 feet. I, also, observed fat and meat pieces in the bottom of the stainless steel gondolas that are used at the end of various conveyors in the trim area to store the product that has not yet been packaged. As corrective measures the establishment cleaned and sanitized the affected surfaces in my presence. After reinspecting the areas and gondolas and finding them acceptable, I released the area for production at approximately 0600 hrs. These deficiencies were reported to ) and). These findings represent Non-Compliance with 9 CFR 416.4(a), which states ” All food contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product”. These findings also represent Non-Compliance with 9CFR 416.4(b) and 416.13(a), which state “Non-food contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and adulteration of product”. “Each official establishment shall conduct the pre-operational procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s before the start of operations.” This NR is linked to NR 20-2010(issued 11/11/2010) which was issued for a similar cause(i.e. the finding of product residue on food contact surfaces). The measures taken by the establishment in response to that NR have been ineffective to prevent recurrence of the same findings.
416.13(a) Each official establishment shall conduct the pre-operational procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s before the start of operations.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 8 February 2011
Code: 03J02
Violation: 417.2(c)(6), 417.6
While performing PBIS task 03J02, the slaughter HACCP Plan and Flowchart, indicated that all offal products pass through the OV-CCP-3 Chilling of Offal products. It was revealed that the Critical Limit is listed as : is a minimum of 5 boxes of each type of product each slaughter production day. I observed the Offal Chilling log and it listed all the plants offal products except hearts, livers, and large intestine. These products are not being monitored as required by the plant’s HACCP plan. These findings represent non-compliance with 9 CFR 417.2(c) (6), which states “Provide for a recordkeeping system that documents the monitoring of the critical control points. The record shall contain the actual values and observations obtained during monitoring.” These finding also represent non-compliance with 9 CFR 417.6(b), which states “Establishment personnel are not performing tasks specified in the HACCP plan:” These deficiencies were reported to ). was informed of this non-compliance report. I reviewed the past 90 days of Non-compliance Reports and found none with same root cause.
417.2(c)(6) Provide for a recordkeeping system that documents the monitoring of the critical control points. The records shall contain the actual values and observations obtained during monitoring.
417.6 Inadequate HACCP Systems.
A HACCP system may be found to be inadequate if:
(a) The HACCP plan in operation does not meet the requirements set forth in this part;
b) Establishment personnel are not performing tasks specified in the HACCP plan;
(c) The establishment fails to take corrective actions, as required by § 417.3 of this part;
(d) HACCP records are not being maintained as required in § 417.5 of this part; or
(e) Adulterated product is produced or shipped.
USDA Inspection Report: 4 February 2011
Code: 06D01
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.4(d)
At 0545 hrs while performing PBIS task 06D01 the following deficiencies were identified: Beaded droplets of condensation were observed on the ceiling of the pack off area above machine #4, and encompassing an area 10 feet around the machine. The beads of condensation were observed falling from the ceiling to the floor and landing on one of the skinning machines. Product was not present in the area at the time. The area was taped off to stop foot traffic thru the area, and mpd tag # B38567993 was placed on the tape securing the area. These finding represent non-compliance with 9CFR 416.2(d), which states “Ventilation adequate to control odor, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.” These findings also represent non-compliance with 9CFR 416.4(d), which states, ” Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.” As corrective measures the establishment wiped and dried the affected area, rinsed the skinning machine with 180 degree water and sanitized the machine in my presence. After inspecting the area and finding the area acceptable, I released the area for production at 0605 hrs. This Non-Compliance was reported to ) and ). A review of the Non-Compliance Record for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same root cause.
416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 17 January 2011
Code: 06D01
Violation: 416.4(b)
At 0530 hrs while performing preoperational sanitation inspection in the Fabrication Department the following deficiency was observed: Fat and meat pieces from the previous day’s production were observed on the rotating tables of machines 3 and 4. The pieces of meat varied in size from 2 1/2 inches long to 3 inches long, and 1 inch to an 1/2 inch wide. The fat pieces were approximately 1 inch in diameter. There were 5 pieces of meat and numerous pieces of the fat located on these tables. These findings represent non-compliance with 9 CFR 416.4(b), which states ” Non-food-contact surfaces, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and adulteration of product.” As corrective measures the establishment discarded the meat scraps to inedible rendering and cleaned the affected surfaces in my presence. After inspecting the area and finding it acceptable, I released the area for production. This deficiency was reported to . A review of the Non-Compliance Record for the last 90 days revealed no similar findings with the same cause.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 11 November 2010
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.13(c), 416.4(a)
At 0640 while performing preoperational sanitation in the Harvest Floor Department the following deficiencies were observed: Fat, blood, and product residue from the prior days production on the front frame work of the spinal cord vacuum stand, the front frame work of the spinal cord saw stand, and on the splash guard that protects the low light on the final rail inspection stand. These surfaces are food contact surfaces. These finding represent non-compliance with 9 CFR 416.4(a), which states ” all food contact surfaces, including food contact surfaces of utensils and equipment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation on insanitary conditions and the adulteration of the product.” It also represents an SSOP failure, as per 9 CFR 416.13(c), which states “Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP.” These deficiencies were reported to ). was also verbally notified of this Non-Compliance Report. As a corrective measure the establishment cleaned and sanitized the affected surfaces in my presence. After re-inspecting the surfaces and finding them acceptable, I released the area for production.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.13(c) Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
USDA Inspection Report: 29 September 2010
Code: 06D01
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.4(d)
At 1230 hrs while performing PBIS task 06D01 the following deficiencies were identified: Beaded droplets of liquid condensation were observed on numerous overhead cooling units, drip pans, and the ceiling. These findings were primarily observed above rails 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 53, and 54. There were beef carcasses hanging from each of these rails (i.e. directly underneath the condensation). These findings represent non-compliance with 9 CFR 416.2(d), which states ” Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.” These findings also represent non-compliance with 9 CFR 416.4(d), which states ” Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.” Seven carcasses were tagged on the north side of the Hot Box cooler, to indicate the affected rails of carcasses Tag number B38567997 was placed on the first carcass of rail 45, Tag number B38567989 was placed on the first carcass of rail 46, Tag number B38567990 was placed on the first carcass of rail 47, Tag number B38567991 was placed on the first carcass of rail 48, Tag number B38567992 was placed on the first carcass of rail 49, Tag number B38567995 was placed on the first carcass on rail 53, Tag number B38567996 was placed on the first carcass on rail 54. These deficiencies were reported to and This NR is linked to NR 18-2010 (issued 9-28-2010) which was issued for a similar cause (i.e. the finding of beaded condensation above carcasses in the cooler). The measures taken by the establishment in response to that NR have been ineffective to prevent recurrence of the same findings
416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 28 September 2010
Code: 06D01
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.4(d)
At 1520 hrs while performing PBIS task 06D01 the following deficiencies were identified: Beaded droplets of liquid condensation were observed on numerous overhead cooling units and drip pans. These findings were primarily observed above rail 58, 90, and 91. There were beef carcasses hanging from each of these rails (i.e. directly underneath the condensation.) These findings represent non-compliance with CFR 9 416.2(d), which states “Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.” These findings also represent non-compliance with 9 CFR 416.4(d), which states “Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.” Three carcasses were tagged on both north side and south side of the Hot Box cooler, to indicate the affected rails of carcasses Tag number B38567994 was placed on the first carcass of rail 58, Tag number B38567999 was placed on the first carcass of rail 90, and Tag number B38567998 was placed on the first carcass of rail 91. These deficiencies were reported to and observed by The preventative measures proffered and employed by Plant Management in response to Non-compliance 17-2010 have failed to prevent condensation formulizing in the Hot Box cooler. This NR is linked to NR 17-2010 (issued 9-15-2010) which was issued for a similar cause (i.e. the finding of beaded condensation above carcasses in the cooler). The measures taken by the establishment in response to that NR have been ineffective to prevent recurrence of the same finding.
416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 15 September 2010
Code: 06D01
Violation: 416.2(d), 416.4(d)
At 1245hrs while performing PBIS task 06D01 the following deficiencies were identified: Beaded droplets of liquid condensation were observed on numerous overhead cooling unit and drip pans. These findings were primarily observed above rails 79, 91, 95, and 96. There were beef carcasses hanging from each of these rails (i.e. directly underneath the condensation.) These finding represent non-compliance with CFR 9 416.2(d), Which states “Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.” These findings also represent non-compliance with 9CFR 416.4(d), which states “Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.” Four carcasses were tagged on the north side of the Hot Box cooler, to indicate the affected rails of carcasses Tag number B40000202 was placed on the first carcass of rail 71, Tag number 40272934 was placed on the first carcass of rail 91, Tag number B40001904 was placed on the first carcass of rail 95, and Tag number B38568000 was placed on the first carcass on rail 96. These deficiencies were reported to and observed by This NR is linked to NR 12-2010 (issued 6-17-2010) which was issued for a similar cause (i.e. the finding of beaded condensation above carcasses in the coolers). The measures taken by the establishment in response to that NR have been ineffective to prevent recurrence of the same finding.
416.2(d) Ventilation. Ventilation adequate to control odors, vapors, and condensation to the extent necessary to prevent adulteration of product and the creation of insanitary conditions must be provided.
416.4(d) Product must be protected from adulteration during processing, handling, storage, loading, and unloading at and during transportation from official establishments.
USDA Inspection Report: 20 August 2010
Code: 06D01
Violation: 416.2(h)(1), 416.2(h)(3)
At 0620 hrs, to verify compliance with the Sanitation Performance Standard Regulations I toured the establishment’s Hide Department employee welfare facilities. During this inspection I noted the following regulatory non-compliances: 1. Used paper towels were noted strewn through out the floor in the lunchroom/locker room, restroom and commode area. This finding represents non-compliance with 9 CFR 416(2)(h)(1) which states that dressing rooms must be maintained in a sanitary condition. 2. The toilet, urinal and wash hand basin were found to be in an unsanitary condition. The plumbing fixtures appeared rusty with excessive water scale, and calcium build-up with brown streaks running the length of the fixtures. There also was a foul odor to the room. This finding represents non-compliance with 9 CFR 416(2)(h)(1) as described above. 3. All trash containers were found to be full of trash with the result that overflow trash (paper towels) was accumulating on the floor. This finding represents non-compliance with 9 CFR 416.2(h)(3), which states that Refuse receptacles must be maintained in a manner that protects against the creation of unsanitary conditions. The lunchroom/locker-room, the toilet and the restroom areas were respectively rejected by placing U.S. Reject Tags B_39 999206, B 39_999204 and B39_999205 at the entrances to the affected areas. The finding of insanitary conditions in the Hide Area employee welfare facilities was discussed previously with the establishment during the weekly USDA/Establishment meeting held on 8/17/10. The response by the establishment to these discussions was not sufficient to prevent a recurrence of insanitary conditions in these areas. In accordance with JBS Tolleson, Inc. GMP’s states, “Observe good housekeeping and sanitary procedures, sweeping, dunnage, etc. to a trash can. Walls and floor shall be easily cleanable and litter free; follow sanitation and housekeeping programs provide for immediate and periodic needs. Sanitation will be maintained in restrooms, toilets and urinals will be maintained in good repair.” The above non-compliances did not affect any edible product.
416.2(h)(1) Dressing rooms, toilet rooms, and urinals must be sufficient in number, ample in size, conveniently located, and maintained in a sanitary condition and in good repair at all times to ensure cleanliness of all persons handling any product. They must be separate from the rooms and compartments in which products are processed, stored, or handled.
416.2(h)(3) Refuse receptacles must be constructed and maintained in a manner that protects against the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 14 July 2010
Code: 01B02
Violation: 416.13(c), 416.4(a), 416.4(b)
At 0650 while performing preoperational sanitation inspection (PBIS procedure 01B02) in the Harvest Floor Department the following deficiency was observed: Fat, blood, and product residue from the prior day’s production was observed on the front leg incline belt, located just upstream from the viscera table. The fat, blood, and product residue was noted on the top and bottom surfaces of the belt, which are food contact surfaces, and on the supporting framework. This finding represent non-compliance with 9 CFR 416.4(a), which states “All food contact surfaces, including food contact surfaces of utensils and equipment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of the product.” It also represents an SSOP monitoring failure, as per 9 CFR 416.13(c),which states “Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP'”. As a corrective measure the establishment cleaned and sanitized the affected surfaces in my presence. After re-inspecting the area and finding it acceptable, I released the area for production At 0630 while performing preoperational sanitation inspection in the Offal Pack Room the following deficiency was observed: Product residue from the prior day’s production was observed on the non-food contact surfaces between the white plastic support framing of the boxed product conveyor belt. There was also product residue on the bottom of the conveyor belt. Pieces of product residue were identified varied in size from 1/2 – 2 inches in diameter. This finding represents non-compliance with 9 CFR 416.4(b), which states “Non-food contact surface of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.” As a corrective measure the establishment cleaned and sanitized the affected surfaces in my presence. After re-inspecting the surfaces and finding it acceptable, I released the area for production. These deficiencies were reported to Ms. was also verbally notified of this Non-Compliance Record.
416.13(c) Each official establishment shall monitor daily the implementation of the procedures in the Sanitation SOP’s.
416.4(a) All food-contact surfaces, including food-contact surfaces of utensils and equipment, must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
416.4(b) Non-food-contact surfaces of facilities, equipment, and utensils used in the operation of the establishment must be cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to prevent the creation of insanitary conditions and the adulteration of product.
USDA Inspection Report: 10 July 2010
Code: 06D02
Violation: 310.3
At 0745 hours a carcass was railed out by an online inspector for Veterinary disposition. The carcass was tagged with US retain tag number 49699784. The viscera was presented with a company blood tag number 023 and the US retain tag #49699784. The carcass arrived at the disposition area identified with the US Retain tag #49699784 on each side and a company blood tag number 023. 15 minutes later the head was delivered to the veterinarian with the US retain tag #49699784 and the company blood tag number 026. This carcass was the first carcass to be presented for final disposition by the PHV for the day. The numbers indicated that the head did not belong to the carcass being presented for disposition. The company was notified immediately of this situation and verbally notified of this Non-Compliance Record. According to 9CFR 310.3, the carcass and all its parts of an animal identified by program personnel for disposition by PHV shall be maintained until final disposition is completed. It is company policy to identify the head, viscera and carcass of these animals with a tagging system. Company personnel monitor this system of tags to ensure that the head, viscera and carcass are properly applied in a timely manner and delivered to the final disposition table. The carcass and parts presented for disposition were condemned by the Veterinarian, Head #023 was never identified so the Company removed all the barrels of product containing head meat parts from the first lot (#601) of production to include product from head #001 through head #026. This product was later disposed of by placing it into the rendering dump. No affected product was allowed to enter commerce.
310.3 Carcasses and parts in certain instances to be retained. Each carcass, including all detached organs and other parts, in which any lesion or other condition is found that might render the meat or any part unfit for food purposes, or otherwise adulterated, and which for that reason would require a subsequent inspection, shall be retained by the Program employee at the time of inspection. The identity of every such retained carcass, detached organ, or other part shall be maintained until the final inspection has been completed. Retained carcasses shall not be washed or trimmed unless authorized by the Program employee.
Valmar Foods, 3812 W Clarendon Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85019
Address: 3812 W Clarendon Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85019
Establishment No.: m1051
USDA Inspection Reports:
USDA Inspection Report: 8 Dec 2011
Code: 06D02
Violation: 310.3
At 0745 hours a carcass was railed out by an online inspector for Veterinary disposition. The carcass was tagged with US retain tag number 49699784. The viscera was presented with a company blood tag number 023 and the US retain tag #49699784. The carcass arrived at the disposition area identified with the US Retain tag #49699784 on each side and a company blood tag number 023. 15 minutes later the head was delivered to the veterinarian with the US retain tag #49699784 and the company blood tag number 026. This carcass was the first carcass to be presented for final disposition by the PHV for the day. The numbers indicated that the head did not belong to the carcass being presented for disposition. The company was notified immediately of this situation and verbally notified of this Non-Compliance Record. According to 9CFR 310.3, the carcass and all its parts of an animal identified by program personnel for disposition by PHV shall be maintained until final disposition is completed. It is company policy to identify the head, viscera and carcass of these animals with a tagging system. Company personnel monitor this system of tags to ensure that the head, viscera and carcass are properly applied in a timely manner and delivered to the final disposition table. The carcass and parts presented for disposition were condemned by the Veterinarian, Head #023 was never identified so the Company removed all the barrels of product containing head meat parts from the first lot (#601) of production to include product from head #001 through head #026. This product was later disposed of by placing it into the rendering dump. No affected product was allowed to enter commerce.
310.3 Carcasses and parts in certain instances to be retained. Each carcass, including all detached organs and other parts, in which any lesion or other condition is found that might render the meat or any part unfit for food purposes, or otherwise adulterated, and which for that reason would require a subsequent inspection, shall be retained by the Program employee at the time of inspection. The identity of every such retained carcass, detached organ, or other part shall be maintained until the final inspection has been completed. Retained carcasses shall not be washed or trimmed unless authorized by the Program employee.